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Jihyo POV

Did she just...

" im just joking" Y/N laugh. 

Gad damn it Y/N i hate you

" your reaction is funny,  i cant... " Y/N continue laughing.  "Tsk"
I smile upon her reaction i saw earlier. But dang!!  How could she be that attractive? People might see her as a nyeh,  a normal person.. 

I check my bag for my house key,remembering that i did not bring my house key. " oh no.. " i said, panicked.  " what did you miss out?" She fold her arms.  " my house key.. " i groan.  " right.. Is Chaeyoung not going to be home? "

"Shes out with penguin"

"No spare key? "

"No i dont have it"

She sigh, " means you going to be home with me? " i nod but im slightly frowning to her words,  " why?  Cant i?  Then should i stay outside my house then? " I point my way.  " no no. Dont.  Come inside" i smile.

This is my second time.. I miss this house.

"If you dont mind,  can i borrow your shirt? "

" what for? "

I sigh and start to imitate her, "You better bath when you got home! " i made her grumpy face. "Hmm 😑 wait here" she went away and find for a shirt.

I went to take toilet rolls and wipe the part which is wet. She came back with only a oversize shirt.  "So you sure you only want me to wear that?" I smirk.  "Yea.. Why not?  Its comfy " she smiles and hand over.  "The toilet is just at the end there" she points out. 

"Towels? "

"In the toilet"

Soon i went to the toilet and bath. I went out with a oversized pullover that almost cover my knee. "So uhm..  Would you like to have late night food?  Im cooking" i squirm in uncomfortable state. "Damn you look cute in that.. " she smile.  " uh..  Thanks...? " i awkwardly say although im blushing.  "Cool,  i'll join"

I treasure hunt her house, planning to cook Cheese Tteokbokki.  "Great!  You have all the ingredients i need..  Do you always cook? " "not really..  I rarely cook. Im kind of lazy" she giggle by herself, i smile. " enjoy the food im going to cook ya..

Soon i split it into two plates, and sit with my leg crossed on the chair. "Hey,  you're showing your skin"

"What do you mean?  I've been showing my skin" i purposely act like i dont understand what she meant. " even if i sit properly,  wouldn't i still show my skin too? " i continue eating my food. She gulp. And i can hear her gulp.  "Needed water? " i continue eating without looking at her. 

"N-no..  Im good" she stutter. "Im done" i lift my plate and wash my own one. "So where shall i sleep? " i stand patiently. "A-about that.. "

she was definitely not ready when i say im going to stay here today..

"Sofa?  Is that okay for you? "I tap the sofa.  "W-well if you want to.. " she mumble. I flop on the sofa and fall asleep soon after.

Jihyo POV
I feel so bad if she sleep on the sofa,  neither do i feel comfortable sleeping with someone, one bed with me. Its been years i sleep with someone.

I finish my food and check on Y/N.  She sleep soundly and !!!!

Oh no..  Her oversize shirt lifted up,  up to tummy level.

I gulp.

I didnt know she had hard rock abs..  Damn look at that muscles...

No!  Jihyo, control!  You were straight before,  what happen to you?

I shook off my thoughts and take a blanket and cover Y/N with it. I walk back to my bedroom,  hiding under the blanket,  squirming under it.  "Kya!!!  That is one hot girl!! Wahhh...  How could she have those?? "


I think..

Im falling for her

☑️ I think i like you (Reader X Jihyo)Where stories live. Discover now