A date 4 me but a celebration 4 you

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No one POV
Y/N was super happy that Jihyo did not oppose the idea. "So tell me, what is in your bucket list?" Y/N smile. "Firstly, to watch a movie" "Lets goo!" Y/N pull Jihyo in excitement, cherishing the moment together that is rarely for her to get

They watch some fairy tales movie called, the little mermaid. A real life actors and actress actually. Both were focusing on the movie so none of them talks until it finishes.

While they were walking towards the park they were also talking about how the movie was. They head to the park since secondly, Jihyo's bucket list was to have a bicycle ride together. Y/N went to take a single bicycle but with an extra seat at the back. Y/N volunteers herself to cycle at the front.

They rode the bicycle, Y/N was happy to cycle for Jihyo even if she did not cycle . While Y/N was focusing in cycling, Jihyo suddenly came up with a  question that made Y/N not to answer her but to answer for herself. "So about the movie just now, do you believe in Fairy tales? Like Angels maybe? Because i dont really believe in fairy tales"

'I do believe in everything.. because the angel is just behind me, that is why im happy when im with you. Im happy to be everything at any cost to make you smile even abit. Even everyone likes you.. all those 'God Jihyo is my religious' dont you get it?' (Any Jihyo stan hereeee?? 🌚) "do you?" Jihyo ask again. " i do, i mean it sounds childish but i do believe in such things"

Jihyo did not ask any further question afterwards, she remain quiet for quite awhile. They were near the river, Y/N dont need to peek behind because she knows Jihyo is enjoying the scenery. Jihyo suddenly hugs Y/N from behind that made Y/N blushes and looses her grip but its lucky enough that she quickly snap herself to earth and grab the handle back.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Sorry that i was careless" Y/N continue cycling while talking,glancing at the back from time to time. "Im okay, im not hurt anywhere" Y/N sigh in relief. "But the real question is, are you okay? Why did u suddenly blank out?" Y/N didnt know what to say because she was panic while Jihyo still have her Calm tone when they almost fall.

"Im okay.. sorry that i blank out" Y/N continue cycling till they reach at the edge of an cliff. 'lucky enough that she didnt caught me blushing' Y/N park the bicycle somewhere a little far. "Usually, at time like this and somehow a place like this, i would usually open up with my little sister about my thoughts or anything that's bothering me." Y/N carefully walk closer to Jihyo. "Its just nice to open up while watching the sunset am i right?" Jihyo smile while looking at the sun that's setting. "Well.. i can say that.. its.. somehow.. calming to do this" Jihyo suddenly turn to Y/N while smiling.

"Do you usually open up to someone like this?" Y/N fidget " i do but usually its to Chaeng.." Y/N's heart suddenly shattered to million pieces when she suddenly mention Chaeng that shes always open up to. "What i am trying to say is that, is there something bothering you? You know im always here for you although you might not need anyone at that point of time right" Y/N talk softly that Jihyo didn't hear, bitterly smile.

Y/N turn to Jihyo who is admiring the sunset with a small tears in her eyes. Y/N really love this side of Jihyo that's soft right now than how Jihyo always treat her somehow roughly which Y/N wasnt complaining but rather be thankful. Y/N look at the time. " ah..we should get going now.." Y/N smile to Jihyo. "Anymore plan of yours?" " we have not end your special day yet. So i still have a plan ahead" Y/N explain.

While Jihyo was walking, Y/N took something from her hoodie's pocket. "Hey, you forget something" Jihyo turns and see that Y/N took out a bandana while slowly waving it to Jihyo. " you have to wear this around your eyes and listen to blast songs while we are heading somewhere" Y/N then cover Jihyo's eyes with it, wear the Headphone for Jihyo "what are you planning to do? This is kind of scary.." Jihyo tighten her grip on Y/N. Y/N did not reply because Jihyo is already listening to songs. Y/N then continue to lead her to the Bicycle, carefully make her sit on it.

Y/N purposely cycle slower to the place, because she wants Jihyo to listen to the playlist that Y/N arrange for Jihyo to listen.

-Pit-a pat
-next page
- going crazy
-adore u
-one in a million

And a few more songs that express her feeling towards Jihyo and songs that would cheer her up for abit. Y/N check her phone that's connected to Jihyo's headphone. Left 3 more songs to last while heading to the place. Y/N fasten up the pace but safe for Jihyo to sit behind without falling.
Y/N went behind Jihyo while leading her to the place, telling her small detail ahead of her like , stones or a small block that's blocking the way. Finally reach to the place, Y/N slowly took off the headphone ,followed by the bandana. "Happy birthday to you.." Chaeng and all her friends sang for Jihyo's birthday.

It was touching for Jihyo to have such a standard type of celebration. It was nothing for Y/N to spend so much money to celebrate Jihyo's birthday as long as she knows that the ones that she love do not backstab her is enough.  They took a pinch of the cake and wipe it on Jihyo's face to have a fun and small celebration for a few of their friends.

Y/N smile when she see that Jihyo is smiling and having fun. Y/N head out to the roof top with a wine in her hand. After a few minutes, Jihyo notices Y/N absence. Jihyo dont need to ask where Y/N go because she knows surely that no one knows where she go. "Is there any roof top here?" Jihyo fidget with her fingers. " there is.. just head down there and it leads you to roof top" the staff answered. Jihyo then thank the staff , bowing and walk to the roof top.

Jihyo smiles, "well.. i didn't expect a person like you does this type of things" Y/N turns and smile, "anything for my friend to make them happy" Y/N take a sip of her Wine. "Why are you out here alone?" Jihyo leans on the railing near Y/N. "Just.. night breeze?" Jihyo chuckle, "are you stress? Something bothering you... on my special day?"

Y/N laughs, "no its not that, i love moments like this" "night time relax with moon?" Jihyo chuckle. Y/N sips her wine, 'no, a moment of us together and special day like this which i consider A date for me but a belated celebration for you.'

Jihyo turns and hug Y/N , " thank you for today for making it memorable" Y/N couldnt utter a word but to blush to the max. "Oh? You're sick! Lets go home then" Jihyo softly pulls

to be comtinued—
Hey guys!! Have you watch their new music video? It was super nice!! I nearly cried when they show a short video of them watching a moment of themselves.

And did you watch their MAMA?? Our girls wons a few awards and they won Soty!! Omg Jihyo is so EJJDWONSKS pretty with that pirate outfit!!!

Anyway, stream their new mv!

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Tata 👋🏻

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