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Jihyo was sleeping next to me, her head rests on my arm. I smile as I remember yesterday scene.

"Sukida yo"

I  smile widely. "What's making her smile so much" I heard someone said something.

"Ya eonni" she shakes me roughly,  causing me to wake up. " did I disturb your dream? " I look around as I found no one beside me other than Chaeng standing and staring me.  I groan,  "yaaa~"

"What? "

"That was a masterpiece!! "

" of what? "

"I was making out with Jihyo and we slept together-" I sit up as I pull the blanket. "Speaking of that,  where am i" Chaeng folds her arm,  " home durh" I raise my eyebrow,  "Home?  How?"

She sits beside me,  matching my eye level.  " who were you with yesterday? "

"Jihyo? " I look confused as I look away.  " ya!  You drink yesterday!!  So Jihyo came and sent you home.  And look!!  You're reek of alcohol! " soon she pulls her collar up and covers her nose. I tried smelling myself but I can't smell any alcohol. Chaeng pulls me up while keeping her distance,   " go and clean up!! " I lazily drag my feet to the bathroom and proceed bathing

I quickly dial Jihyo's number as soon as I'm done with bathing. "Babe, did I really drink yesterday?"

"Yes... You did"

I don't know why but I feel like she's pouting. "Well... That's weird because I don't remember that I drink.." "Babam! Anyway, you're heavy!!" She chuckles through the phone. "Mian.."

" anyway, are you feeling better?"

The quick scene that I dreamt suddenly shot through my brain as I blush. I snort, "well yea... Ever since I called you" "ayy... Dis Y/N is being cheesy huh?" She cringes through the phone.

"I'm heading out to eat, would you want to join?"

My ears perk up, "yes! Definitely!"

"Alright, I get myself ready... I see you in a few minutes" she hang up the call as I rush to dress myself up. It took me about 20 minutes to dress myself up. I rush out of my room like naruto and wear my shoes. " where are you going?"

"Out" I stood up and rush out to her house.

The moment she went out, I put on a bright smile." oh? you're here already?"

"Yea...  Anything for you,  I'll be fast" I wiggle my eyebrow causing her to nudge her elbow on my arm.


I poke my food as I remember we have internship quite soon,  we might not be in the same company. Well actually...  It depends. I doubt that we will be in the same company.  Haiszers...

"What's with that sad face? " she put her finger on my chin as she lifts my face up.  "Our school is almost over..." She withdraws her finger back as she comes to realise what I am going to say.  "We will be intern soon... " she sighs disappointingly. "Are you going to stay in the company? "

"It's my passion babe" I lightly smile,  " I.. I understand...  Go ahead and chase your dreams then" I continue eating without any intention of eating.  "I'm sorry" She put her utensil down as she stood up,  "I'm done eating" She walks away.  I stop eating as I panic,  "Ahjumma!  Bill is on the table" I thank the owner of the shop as I chase after Jihyo.

I grab her wrist,  "what do you mean by that? What are you sorry for? " I tried to get eye contact but she avoided it. "I.. I just feel like I didn't make our relationship important" I furrow my eyebrow. "I don't know if i... I am strong enough to overcome hates that will send over me once I debut or etc..." I held both of her hands.

"Hey hey...  You know I'm always here... And what's the meaning of relationship if ones don't support the partner's choice?" Finally, I get to make eye contact.  "Even if we're far apart or sky falls,  I'm still with you no matter what happens. That's what matters the most" I sincerely smile as I gain a hug from her.  I pat her softly, " now let's not be heavy minded about this... Let's think about the present" I kiss her head as she buries her face on my chest.


I lead her to a mountain where there wouldn't be anyone as we laid down together, side by side. " I'll be honest here, probably I couldn't focus during intern, getting sacked afterwards but I will still miss you" I caress her cheeks as I look at her eyes. She smiles, " please think about your future too... " she touches my cheeks.

I lean in as I give her a quick peck, " you are my future too" I wink. She chuckles, "Y/n isn't Y/n without her jokes"

"Well..I'm serious"


"Anyway.." She said as she breaks the silence, "Let's head home, it's going to rain soon" I look up, not believing of what she said, "it's not going to rain, right? I believe it's nice weather"

The moment I said that... I regret it..a lot. The sky became wild and pour heavy rain on us. We ran to the nearest shelter and sat like a scared kitten. "And what did I say earlier?"

"Fine fine.. Sorry that I was stubborn"

I look up at the sky, trying to predict if the rain going to stop anytime soon but it seems like not. I look back at Jihyo, she was actually shivering. Lucky enough Korea isn't in a winter season or with the very cold temperature now, if not, she's going to shiver even more badly. I took off my coat as a cover over her. I pull her close and hug her to spread my warm on her.

"Aren't you cold?" Her teeth are hitting on each other, a sign that she is super cold. "I'm not, besides my top is thick" She nods weakly as her teeth continue to hit on each other. " this won't do... Stay here, I'll be right back"

"Ya! Not in this rain!!!" She yells but I ran as fast as I could to the nearest convenient store. Lucky enough they did sell umbrella and heat pack. I bought both as I open the umbrella as soon as I step out of the shop and ran back to Jihyo.

"Jihyo I-"

To be continued

Dun dun dunnnnnnnnn

Im back with more curiousity kills u guys in this chapter XD

See ya!

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