What explanation?

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Jihyo POV
I waited for Y/N's return meanwhile doing some dishes for this kids here. I was busy doing some dishes while having a thought of yesterday.

It was a fun day, totally unexpected. I really didnt know that Y/N is such a caring and a sweet kid. I really want things to be repeated again, especially the hug. That hug was totally warm but unexplained, she hugged but with no reason and i really cant understand her at all. I mean beside her understanding me all the time but, i always cant understand Y/N so much. She kept things by herself, having her own thoughts for some inportant stuff that only her stands out. Only her.

Really, i was thankful to have Y/N here,by my side , always look after me. And i feel guilty for all those time she always waited for me whenever i go home late but not later than what she needs to be home by. And what i can observe by her exterior, she thinks of other people more than herself. I dont have a heart to lose her either.

Why is Y/N always extra caring when it's about me?

My train thoughts stops after i heard doorbell and a creak of the front door. "Im back" a weak, sad tone of Y/N greeted me. "Y/n?" I turn off the stove and approach her, "what's with that sad tone?" She smile bitterly, "n-nothing" i thought of not pressure her with my questions so i did not ask anymore, in case she feel more annoyed. "If..if you say so.." i smile.

See? She always keep things to herself!

"Spill the tea" i blurt out,suddenly insist with her respond. "H-huh?" I insist suddenly, "spill the tea... what's bothering you" i walk back to the kitchen. "Just.. just small things.. thats.. thats not important.. for you..?" She mumble things out, making me frustrated.

I puff and walk to her, grabbing her wrist and pull to my bedroom. I observe that her face changes, more sadness filled up her. "C'mon nobody's here" desperate filled me. "Im just upset" she look down. "About what?" I fold my arms. "That.. pictures on the walls" she mumble that i barely heard.


I turn and observe what's wrong with my pictures, took me 10 minutes straight for me to understand what she meant. "You were upset.. because this walls doesnt include pictures of you?" I tilt. "Us i mean" she correct me out. 

I turn speechless because i have nothing to say. "We do have pictures together dont we?" She chuckle softly. "We do, quite alot" I replied. "But you didnt cherish it" i sigh softly.

I walk towards her and sit beside her, " hey, doesnt mean i dont put pictures out , i dont cherish things, it doesnt have to be" i pat her back. She kept quiet for minutes. Finally, she turn and hug me, burying her face on my neck, leaving me clueless. She mumble something but i cant hear what was it.

She pull away from the hug with a smile. "I got to send those kids home before its late for me to run some errands" she got up and walk away, taking some of our clique home.

I sigh, 'just what the hell do you want, what do you mean?'  I massage my temple and walk out. "Hey wake up, drink some water or so.. so that you will be sober up" i wake up some cliques. They finally wake up after a few minutes, each and every cliques massage their temple upon the effect of the alcohol.

Happy new year guys!!!

Surely its good to have yall here XD and sorry for the late wish as i just finish my work for 3 days straight was just gonna make my leg break and numbzzz

Anyways, Happy new year again! Have a bless year and wonder future ahead!

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