好きだよ (sukida yo)

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Omg omggggggg the gif that I found on Instagram tho yehet! XD

"Hey Jihyo, wake up" I bend over as I shake her a little. She groans as she open one of her eye, " what time is it? " she rolls on her side.

I decided to joke a little, singing "Goodbye"

"Time to, say goodbye~" I stop singing as I earn a glare from Jihyo. "12 pm it is" I stop joking as I smile forcefully. "I need to go to the toilet" Jihyo groan as she squirms a little. I moved aside, forgetting that she still can't move her leg. "Ya~ I said I need to go toilet" she whines. " go ahead" I look at her blankly as I blink.

She clicks her tongue as she stares. " oh right, sorry" I bend over, " hop on to your travellator" she crawls as she leans onto my back, I stood up as I walk to the toilet. I let her down as I walk out of the toilet, guarding it like a security guard. "Help ~~~~" she cutely calls me over as I turn behind and assist her.


"Of course.."

"I've gone to the mart while you're asleep"

"How thoughtful.." She kisses my cheek. For a second, my heart beat drop like a sudden drop from a roller coaster. " And how can you leave the house so quietly?" She continued

"A-ah...you were in a deep sleep I guess"

" weird... I'm a light sleeper tho.." She wonders. "Anyway late breakfast is Omelette, kimchi, some tofu and of course rice" She smiles, "ne, thank you chef"

Once again I let her down, make her face the food served on the table. We finish our food at the same time, as I stood up, taking all the plates and wash it. While I was washing, I felt a sudden hand wrapped around my stomach. Her head rests on my back.

I stop washing the plates, letting the water flow as I wait for her response. " Y/N ah" she softly calls me as I close the tap. " I'm really sorry if I did something harsh on you before, the more I push you away, the more I realise that I needed you. "

"Hey," I say as she leans her head on my back. " are you sure you're okay?"


"Ya Park Jihyo" I turn around as I put both of my hand on my waist. "Are you using me since yesterday?" "A-ah!" She suddenly groans in pain as she limp. "Come on, bath time" I sigh as I carry her to the bathroom.


I sat in her living room as I stare into space.

"Y/N ah". She sweetly calls me over. I snap into reality as I walk to her room. " yes?"

"Sit with me"


"Accompany me"

"I already am"

"Sleep with me" I stone as I heard her say those. She smiles brightly, "I love you"

"W-wha-" my word has been cut off as she walks towards me. She pulls me as there is still no response from her. Her eyes were locked into mine as her leg leads us to her bed. The silence and the atmosphere brings a lot of thoughts around my mind.

'Am I thinking things right?'

'Are you thinking what I am thinking?'

I cut my thoughts as our butts touch the bed. She holds both of my forearms as her eyes are still locked into mine. She laid me down slowly, never leave the intense eye contact, slowly as she lands on top of me. She leans in, breathing on my ears as she whispers, "lets sleep" I blush as her word bring me shiver down to my spine.

She couldn't stop breathing sexily as she breathes onto my neck. I shiver once again as my breathing grows faster. I push her as I flip over our position. " are you sure you're just asking me to sleep with you? "

"Or... " I seductively said as I trail my nails on her jawline down to her chin. She seductively let out her breath as she leans her head back.. (A/n like the gif on top * wiggle eyebrow*) she reposition herself as she looks into my eye with intense, full of lust. She holds my chin as she pulls close.

She tilts her head as she closes her eyes and let our lips touch. She nibbles on my bottom lip. I didn't hesitate and allow her tongue to have a war with mine. Due to the breathtaking moment, I lose to the war, she explores my mouth. Her hand roam on my back as it travels up on my nape. She leans in once more before pulling it off.

"Sukida yo" she winks as she rests on my chest and falls asleep.


To be continued----
Hey guysssss

Really sorry if I did not make any 18+ scene.. I suck at it :( anyway if y'all really want an 18+ scene, y'all can dm me and we talk about it ;) see ya!

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