New student?

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[A/N] before i start, i want to apologise that this chapter suddenly got deleted so i have remake everything 😭 most probably it wouldnt be that same because im somehow a Short Term Memory kind of person but i'll try to make it the same 😭

"Chaeng!!!!" I run to her bed and jump on it. "Wae?? Why are you excited?" " how can i not???" I stop jumping and sit beside her, " New student will be joining us today tho!!"

Chaeng groan, "let me sleep more" "aww c'mon..." I pull her up and finally she gave in by getting ready for school.

----Reaches school----

Chaeng suddenly fasten her pace. " Hey wait up!!" I chase after her. When i was chasing after her, i bump onto someone that is Chubbiest cute!! LIKE I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN BUT URGGGHH!! "Ahh!! Im so sorry!!" I help her by picking up her things. She smile, " no its okay...." She walk away.

After she walk away, i continue to chase after Chaeng. "Why are you running?" Nayeon giggle. "Chaeng left me- hey hey!! I have something to tell you guys"

They crowd around me. "While i was chasing after Chaeng, i bump onto someone that is so cute"

"Is it a she?" Jeongyeon jump in. Tzuyu just listen while folding her arms. "Well yea"

"Is she pretty?" Sana hop in excitement.

"Yes!!" I smile widely

"Well i hope she isnt our classmate then." Tzuyu turn around and go back to her place.

Oh boi.. seems like she's sulking.

Sana went back to settle down with Tzuyu "don't be upset.. I'm still here with you.."

Well.. I think most of our classmate are lowkey lesbians.. it's not that I hate lesbian it's just that I hate it so much when people judge us, excluding me. I wouldn't say I'm a lesbian but I still support lesbian because I do understand some of their reason.
Some because they can't trust boys.
Some because they can't help them self but to like other pretty girls for no reason.

So after we so called gossip about the girl i bump onto, i rest my head on the table and wait for our new classmate

"Class, this is your new classmate"

"Annyeonghaseyo! I'm Park Jisoo but you can address me as Jihyo! Please take care of me"

That voice.. it sound so familiar..

I look up, her??!!

"Chaeng.. it's her that I was talking about" I Whisper. "Wow"

"Jihyo Haksaeng, you can sit beside Y/N"

She smiles while walking towards me. I pull out a chair for her and slightly bow her. "Thanks..and it seems like we meet again"

I just smile to her because it was pretty awkward.

"Jihyo Haksaeng, you can share the book with Y/N"

Me again??

"Turn to page 4"

While I was turning to page 4, she talk to me. "Hey, you didn't introduce yourself tho.."

I turn to her and give a 'what?' Face to her , "ne?"

"You didn't tell your name tho.."

"Ah.." I took out my hand, "I'm Y/N, Son Y/N" she shook my hand.

It's lunch time, surely Jihyo still dont know what to eat on her first day.

"What are you guys eating?" Sana ask. "I'll take the western, as usual."
"I'll take the same too" Jihyo added

Wot did I just heard?

"Heol" Tzuyu scoff . "The rest taking per normal am i right?" Jeongyeon ask. Everyone nod, "then its on me!"

We get our food and we started eating then Chaeng broke the silent, "so where do you live, Jihyo?" "Gangnam" she smile

" I live that area too!!"

"Jinjja?? Daebak!!" She flashes her gummy smile

"In fact, Y/N is my sister... It means we can go back together then!" Chaeng said it on my behalf while my mouth was full of food

She suddenly grab Chaeng's hands and mine "it means we can go back together then!"

The sudden grab of hers make me cough.

"Hey !! Are you okay? Do you need water or tissue?" She panic. "No I'm fine thank you" i smile.

"You guys can go first...looks like Mina need me" Chaeng wave us goodbye and walk away.

We waited for the bus together. Because of not wanting awkwardness, i break the silence, " How do you find this course?" "Its a good course tho.. Besides that, the people in the course is nice too" I smile to her words.

The bus arrive, we went in and i let her sit inside while i sit outside side of the seat. Few minutes went by, we went quiet and Jihyo become sleepy. She let her head lean to the window and sleep.

Time to time i take a look at her sleeping,admiring her beauty.
Suddenly i receive a message

*Ting ting*
I went and open up.

-----Ex 👹💩-----
How's ur day going?

I ignore his message, giving him a blue tick and again i receive a message.

-----Ex 👹💩-----
Hey... Are you ignoring me?


-----+To Ex 👹💩+-----
How is she?

-----Ex 👹💩-----
Shes doing great.. Im happy with her

Shit..i shouldnt have ask that.. Now it aches my heart.

-----+To Ex 👹💩+-----
Be happy with her then. Stop messaging me.

-----Ex 👹💩-----
Sure will do.

What a fool. Its so obviously i miss you and love you the way you tell me abou her almost all day aches my heart.

Few minutes pass by, its nearby our stop so I wake her up. She wake up, shaking her head, "o... that sleep was good"

We went to say goodbye to each other and parted our way. I just walk a few steps away and i heard her screaming my name. I went to run and saw a black figure, " DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER" i shout.

~~~~~To Be Continued~~~~
Im sorry if i didnt include some parts, as i am Stm person but i hope it would lead the same as it is before altho its shorter than before one..

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