Chapter Twenty-one

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I had officially had been out of the maze a whole twelve hours, and for the last ten I had been shadowed by Chuck. He told me numerous times about the times he snuck out of his room and walked around the corridors of the WCKD facility.

The room was dark, the only source of light was the hallway lights shinning in through the small square window in the door. everything had been silent for the last thirty minutes.

"What was it like there?" Chuck asked.

I looked in the direction of chucks bed from across the dark room. A small pallet was made for me, curtesy of Thomas, at the other end of the room.

"Hmm? Oh, it was different. A good different though. Everyone there was."I closed my eyes and remembered everyones faces when I first came up out of the box. I think they were as scared as I was. I didnt know them for long, but I missed them.

"Is it bad Im scared." He asked.

I sat up and turned on the small lamp.

"No chuck, its not bad at all."

If you aint scared, you aint Human.

Those words kept on running through my mind, those words Gally had told me that evening he sat with me in the tree house.

"I dont want to be here." He quietly said, turning his back to me. My heart sank, as I looked at this kid, this child.

The morning came, and Chuck was still fast asleep. I sat up and I felt the soreness from the fall yesterday. I tilted my neck only slightly making the joints in my neck pop like that fun bubble wrap I remember using once as a kid.

The cement floor was cold to the touch, and everything was dead silent. I stood up and walked over to the door, standing on my tip toes, I tried looking out of the window, but it was just out of my reach.

I huffed in frustration, so I opened the door as quietly as possible. shutting the door behind me, I made sure there was no one in the hallway before I went wandering off.

This place felt dangerous, like anyone would come at you at any given moment and try and dissect your brains.

I took a few lefts, and a few rights when I heard multiple voices talking about brainwaves, blood pressure and other medical terms. I carefully walked over to the door, where the voices were coming from when I saw her. The woman with the beautiful pale skin and long dark brown hair. She was busy watching a screen with a girls face plastered on it. I couldnt help but stare at her, something inside told me that I knew her.

Just like something inside told me that I knew Thomas, I wasnt sure how or even why. I was going to find out, even if it killed me.

You know how in books and movies where the main character goes off on an adventure and can magically find her way back to point A? Yeah, Im pretty sure I managed to find Point R while trying to get back to Point A. So, Im lost in WCKDs Hallways trying not to get caught, trying not to die when I found someones room.

"Dont worry Rachel, Im sure shes fine."

A boy was talking, almost comforting this Rachel person. She seemed upset about somebody, maybe I could help?

"Um hey is everything okay?" I stood in the open door, looking at the two kids, who looked maybe thirteen and fourteen. The girl looked at me with dark brown eyes and the same dark hair and tan skin I had seen before. She looked like a younger version of me. She let go of the boys hand, standing up with a look of shock on her face, it was like she had seen a ghost.

"Rose!" She cried, running at me. Her small arms wrapped themselves around my torso and cried.

I didnt know what to do, so I gently placed my hands on her back, exchanging looks with the boy and the weeping child wrapped around me.

She unlatched her arms and looked at me with bright eyes which soon grew sad again.

"Rose whats wrong?" She sniffled. I shook my head as I studied her face, but all that was coming back to me was a blur.

"How do you know who I am?" I asked, trying not to offend her.

"Rachel, I dont think she remembers us." The sadness in the boys voice brought more tears to her eyes as she backed away from me.

I wanted to lie and say I did remember who they were, but I knew that would inly hurt this girl even more, I couldnt do that to her.

"What did they do to you." Rachel whispered as her sad eyes scanned over my face.

It was evident that I knew her , maybe from another life, but the life I was living right now I hardly knew anyone, including myself.

      I had been out of the glad for a week, and within that week I had found what Jeff had shoved into my bag before I had said goodbye, it was his journal. The journal he had written down everything when he first came to the glade.

I cried when I opened journal and reread the pages, remembering the boys I left behind. I remember chuck had found me reading the journal and every night for the last four or five days he had me tell him bedtime stories of my time in the glade. He wanted to know what it was like, having a family, having people that you could look up to and know they would protect you. Every night I would tell him those stories and he would fall asleep with a soft smile painted on his face.

Throughout the week I had gotten to know Rachel and her friend Aris more and more. They were fun kids to be around, they kept me laughing, they kept me happy. It was like I had known them for my entire life.

"Thomas says that he can get your memories back." Rachel picks at her finger nails as I look at her direction. Get them back?

"Rachel, theres a reason that those procedures happen." Aris had butt in, leaning against the door frame. She looked at him, then looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Do you want your memories back?" She asked me, catching me a little off guard.

I didnt know what to say, I sat there with my mouth hanging open when Thomas walked in closing the door behind him.

"Hey guys."He said in his quiet tone.

"Hey Thomas." I smile, standing up to meet him.

"Can you two give us a minute?" Thomas motioned for the two kids to leave, so it was just the two of in the small room.

He held up a syringe with clear liquid inside. I backed away a good three feet holding a hand up.

What the fuck what that thing?

"I can get your memories back, but youll have to take three of these." He sounded like he knew what he was talking about, But when a boy Ive known for a little over a week is pointing a long ass needle in my direction, all trust is gone.

"what the hell is in that?" I snapped, my eyes fixated on the needle.

I could feel the needle piercing my skin, as if its happened before.

"You dont have to if you dont want to, I just figured that youve gotten to bond with Rachel more, I though you might want to really know her."


A/N: Rachel is here.

has that imaginary lightbulb gone off yet?

Yes, i know Rachel is described differently in the books than in her, but i like changing things up.

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