Chapter Four(New)

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Day two: part two

As the day went on, the more I began to warmup to the Gladers. Some of them still stepped on my toes and I stepped on theirs, but for the most part I got along with everyone and they got along with me; They still gave me weird looks when I would walk past them.

I sat down on a patch of grass and began picking at the blades of grass. I had been alone for the last ten minutes thinking to myself, silently going back and forth when I remembered someone.

It was a woman in white, I couldn't remember her face, but in the memory, she still held my hand, but she told me something.

"Rose, you're going to be okay." It was that same voice from the young woman in my dream. I smiled to myself, I felt like the pieces of my brain were coming back together.

"Hey Greenie." Gally's voice calmly said. I turned around and smiled at him; I stood up to meet him. I brushed my hands off on my pants and placed them in my back pockets.

"It's Rose actually."

"Well, Rose. You're needed at the homestead." He didn't seem phased that I found my name. his face stayed the same as he walked back toward the big wooded building. I walked after him without saying a word. He didn't say anything to me as we walked, but questions were pressing on my mind. I turned to say something, but I bit my tongue and kept walking.

I walked into the homestead with Gally right behind me. A row of chair had been filled with each of the keepers of the jobs and Alby and New stood in front of them. Gally gestured to an empty seat and I took my seat.

"Greenie needs a job." Alby starts.

"Rose." We all turned towards the back of the room. Gally stood there, unfolded his arms and pointed at me.

"She remembered her name. It's Rose." He told the group.

"Looks like Rose needs a job." Alby half smiled. I think that was the first time since I've been here that I've seen him smile. It was nice; it was comforting.

"What about a med-jack?" I suggested. Looking at Clint and Jeff, they looked at each other and silently spoke to one another. They didn't have a look of disproval, but they didn't look too thrilled either.

"I don't see why not." Jeff stood up. The group of boys nodded their heads, until on of them said something under his breath that really triggered my curiosity.

"At least she didn't want to be a runner." The boy with the black hair stood up and I mirrored him.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Shit." He whispered rubbing the back of his neck. "Look kid, forget about it. You couldn't handle it anyways."

"Look kid." I stepped in front of him. "I asked you a question. Why do you say that?"

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Forget about it. You're a med-jack now, worry about scrapes and bruises and all the boys you get to patch up now." He quickly gave me a sarcastic wink and patted my shoulder. I cut my eyes at him as he passed by. with my mouth hanging open in shock at what he just said. Looking back at the other boys they were listening, of course, and they all looked away in embarrassment. Does everyone talk down to the new person? Or is it because I'm a girl? I didn't waste any time trying to find the black-haired boy, I was out the door and right on his heels.

"Hey smartass!" I called out to him. He turned around and met me with a grin. He had his hands hook on to the straps of his harness and waited for me to continue.

"It's Minho."

"Hey Minho." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not saying I want to be a runner, but let's say if I did. Why would you not want me out there?"

"It's too dangerous out there for you, especially since you're a girl."

"Are you kidding me!" I shouted. "you're kidding me? Tell me that's not your excuse. You don't think I could make it out there because I'm a girl?"

What a load of bull.

He shrugged his shoulders and tried to come up with another excuse, but all he did was shrug his shoulders and told me to forget about it. I stood there for a moment with tongue pressed up against the roof of my mouth and my hands on my hips; I noticed I did that often from saying something I would regret. I huffed and stomped off back towards the homestead.

10 days in the glade // The Maze Runner: BOOK ONE (COMPLETE) Where stories live. Discover now