Chapter One - Rules

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Song of the chapter - Crash by EDEN


"Get movin'... Now." Dwight said and pushed my back, making me walk to grounds of our 'home'. It was early morning and everyday me and D, go out and get walkers from outside the gates, just to chain up. It's stupid in my opinion. These few days I have been punished by my very own father, due to the amount of times I've tried to escape this place.

Summer was here and it was hot. "Get it." Dwight snapped and pointed towards a lone walker stumbling towards us. I rolled my eyes and took out my knife, walking towards it and stabbing it straight in the skull. "What the fuck!" Dwight yelled and yanked my arm so I faced him. "You were meant to chain it not kill it!" He yelled and I stared at him. 

"You cannot tell me what to do." I scoffed and he slapped me right across the face. I held my burning cheek as he shook his head and walked away. I sighed and continued to follow him on the way back to our home. 

Once we reached the fence of our home, Steven walked up to us and smirked. "Princess, you're daddy wants to see you in his office." He spoke and I shook my head at him. Steven and Dwight would always gang up on me but they are both arseholes. I walked up through the fence and into this massive building we lived in. 

I seen my dads wives roam the dark halls and they were all silent. They don't talk much and I don't blame them. For my whole life I knew my dad was a bad bad man. He would force women into things they didn't want to do and he would kill such innocent people, Including my real mother. 

I slowly walked up to the metal door and knocked quietly. I walked in and saw one of my fathers wives and him eating each others faces off. I awkwardly stood there until he pulled apart and smiled at me. "Ha, ha..." He chuckled and the wife walked away and outside. 

"Steven said you wanted to talk to me." I said and shut the door after the woman. My dad grabbed his bat, Lucille. He moved to sit at the bottom of the long table and I sat at the top. He sighed and set his legs up on the table, making me eye him down. 

"We need to talk about... rules I have laid out." "I don't thin-" I got cut of immediately with his bat getting smacked on the table. He glared at me and I put my head down. "YOU WIL FOLLOW THESE RULES THAT I AM ABOUT TO TELL YOU!" He yelled loudly and I felt shivers crawl over my spine.

My dad always scares me when he got angry. "Rule number one, You never, ever, ever... leave or try to escape from us. You will never get away from us. Rule number two." He said and stood up, swinging Lucille back and forth. "You will always say you love me." He said and cocked an eyebrow at me. 

"Rule number three. You say your Negan. Because here... We are all Negan, Right?" He asked me and bent down beside me, only a few inches away from my face. I didn't answer until he grabbed my face with his hands and forces me to face him. "RIGHT!" He yelled and I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment. 

"Yes..." I answered and he nodded, shoving my face away from his. "And the fourth rule... You give me love. Sweet, sweet love. Whenever and wherever I want." He said and I felt his hand trail across my neck. My father has always hinted at the disgusting behavior. 

I felt his lips attach to my neck and I feel as if I'm about to throw up. It makes me physically sick. It's horrible. He pushed my hair away from my neck and licked it. It was absolutely horrible. "Boss." The door opened and D stood in the doorway. "I have news on the group." He spoke and my father pushed my shoulder. 

"Out. Now." He spoke and I wiped a few tears that fell down my face quickly, before standing up and walking to the door. I shut the door after me and as I walked the halls to the cold room I was staying in, I noticed a wooden plate below me. I crouched down and searched my surroundings before kneeling on the ground and lifting the plate.

It was a massive hole in the ground and there was a crawl gap underneath too. This could be my way out. How come no one has noticed this? This is my way out. Tonight is the night. I laid the plate back down and stood up. This is it. I can finally get away from this and live out there, on my own. 

I walked through into my room and closed the door after me. I needed to wait until dark, wait until everything is quiet. I lifted my mattress and saw my pistol and dagger underneath on the bed frame. I picked it up and shoved my gun into my jeans and knife into my boots. Now, It's time to wait. Wait until it is dark.   

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