Chapter Twenty - The Secrets Revealed

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Song of the chapter - Lost it to trying 


"Yeah, I'm okay now Rick." I admitted to him as he moved his hands to his hips. "I thought that would be the last time I woulda saw you Blair." He said and laid his hand on my shoulder. I smiled at him and he began to speak up again. "Look Blair, You don't have to come with us today, we're going for Maggie's benefit." He said and I sighed. As much as I wanna say no, I know I need to be there when the bomb drops. 

"I need to be there. I need to help Maggie and Glenn. They've done so much for me, as have you, Rick." I said to him and he showed a small smile. "Well, go get your things together." He said and I nodded, before walking away. As I was walking to the weapon I seen Carl, nearly running towards to where I was going.

"Carl." I called out and he continued on walking. Why was Carl ignoring me? Whatever reason, I was not gonna let it carry on. As he walked into the house where the weapons were I ran in too and seen his back turned to me. I don't know what I've done wrong, maybe I'm being stupid, I don't know. 

"Carl-" "Your not coming." He interrupted me and I stopped, staring at him. What? I need to go. "Glenn's still not back, I need to be there for Maggie." "I said, no." He snapped back as he grabbed a bag, shoving as many weapons as he can into it. Well, with multiple knives and other sharp things too.

"Look, you were wrong before. This place isn't too big to protect and you need to stay back and help protect it." He said, walking to the otherside of the room. "This place is ready. Most of us have been trained, you know that. If you were worried about an attack, you wouldn't be leaving." I said, looking him up and down.

He stopped everything for a second and turned around. "Do you know how far the Hilltop is? You know what could happen? The saviours are out there, they killed Denise a few days ago. Or what they've done to other girls and women like you. They rape..." He trailed on and looked down. He didn't want to finish his words. "That's not happening to you. Alright, I'm not gonna let it." He said, turning back around.

I wanted to say, 'It's too late for that.' Every single thing Carl had said, has happened with the saviours, my dad... Simon but something inside me knows that Carl will not let it happen again. I stayed quiet for a minute as he reloaded his weapons. "You want to run into them, right? You hope they show up. JESUS THIS IS ABOUT GETTING MEGGIE TO A DOCTOR NOT ABOUT..." I trailed on and scanned him for a second, knowing he wasn't listening to a word I was saying.

"Screw you, I'm going." "Blair, stop. Just wait." He stepped in front of me, pushing his body against mine. "Get outta my way. Carl!" I yelled and he sighed roughly. "Look, you know what my priority is Blair. You know I didn't protect you at the Hilltop so you really thing that's gonna happen again?" He said and I sighed. 

He shook his head and grabbed his backpack, walking out, leaving me standing in the room, all by myself. I knew what Carl was saying was one-hundred percent true but I couldn't help, but argue. I need to be there for Maggie, I have too. I shook my head and turned around only to be bumping into a tall man. I scanned the body and I knew who it was. But I didn't know how he found me.

"Simon." I spoke and looked up at him. He smirked at me from up above and I stepped backwards. "Hello, princess." He whispered and that was the last thing I heard before he smacked the side of his gun to my head.


It was dark and the road was bumpy. I didn't know if my eyes were open or shut, that's how dark it was. My hands were tied together with a tight rope. I tried to pull them out knowing if I did, I could try and get outta this. I knew I was captured by Simon and my dad. I mean who else. I stood up, leaning myself against the wall of the van. 

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