Chapter Thirty-Eight - Happiness

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Song of the chapter: Halo by Beyonce 8D audio


Me and Carl stood at Alexandria with Michonne and Rick. Everyone was getting ready to go out. i didn't really know where but I guess It's none of my business anymore. Rick stared at us both and smiled slightly. "Come here." He spoke and lifted Carl's hat off of his head and pulled both of us for a hug. 

He hugged us gently and I knew as soon as this war with my dad was over, Rick's head would be stress-free. He pulled away from us both and laid a hand on Carl's shoulder. "This is the end of it." He said to us and we both nodded. 

I felt Carl grab my hand gently and Rick stared at us both. "Don't let anyone in. Carl... keep her safe. You're daughter too." Rick spoke and Carl nodded, knowing his dad was right in every way too keep me away from my dad. I hadn't seen him in a while so he hasn't seen the baby at all. Well, the massive bump I've grown.

"Rick!" I called out as he was about to walk away. He stopped and turned back around to face us. I felt Carl's eye on me, probably wondering what the hell I was about to say. "I want to go back to hilltop. With Maggie." I said and Rick stared at me for a moment and nodded. 

"You can do that. As long as he goes with you." He said, pointing towards Carl beside me. Finally, Rick slammed his car door shut and then they were off again. Me and Carl stood staring as multiple cars drove out of Alexandria. Of course there were a few people here but me and Carl were going to the hilltop anyway. 


"This is something I need to do Carl! I need to see Maggie, I need to see if she's okay." "You're not going out there and either am I." Carl said as we stayed in the house with Judith. She stayed at the table coloring in just listening to me and Carl bicker. 

"I have to do this Carl. Please." I said as I sat beside him at the table. He stared at Judith coloring in and I gripped onto his hand for him to look at me. "I can't let you go out there alone Blair." "Then don't. You and Judith come with me, please." I asked him, tightening my hand around his. 

Carl stared at me for a moment. I didn't want to go to the Hilltop on my own. But if it came to that, I knew I'd have to. "I don't want to leave this place, they told me to look out for it. What if he comes here-" "-You know he won't. Babe, I know you care about Judith and everybody else here but remember, your not the leader. Your my boyfriend and a lovely father."

I stared into his eye and he nodded. "Okay, let's go." "Thank you." I told him and he smiled as he rubbed Judith's back. She was so happy seeing us get along and she'll be even happier once she realizes she's getting a niece. 

"Why your tummy so big?" I heard her sweet voice and Carl chuckled at her pointing towards my massive belly. I also realized we never specifically told Judy that she's having a little niece. 

"Because she's having a baby. My baby. Which means your going to be an Auntie for this baby girl. You understand?" Carl spoke to her and she smiled widely staring at both of us. "Can I feel her?" She asked and I nodded. She jumped from her chair and walked around the table to my side.

I grabbed her hand gently and laid it upon my belly where I felt the baby was and she was pretty active right now. The baby kicked gently at Judy's hand and she gasped, looking up at Carl. Everything was so perfect.


"I needed to see you. I needed to see if you were okay." "I am. I promise. Your so big now, I can't believe it." Maggie smiled at me and Enid stood behind her with her arms crossed. I knew Enid hated that me and Carl were having a child but I felt extremely happy because I could be due any day now.

"Judith misses her Auntie Maggie as well. She couldn't stop talking about you on the way here." I said to Maggie and she smiled as Judy ran towards her arms. Carl came up behind me and grabbed my hand. 

"Everyone's gone out?" Maggie asked and I nodded. "Rick and everyone has gone to fight, they will end this, they have to, for Judy. For me and you." I said to Maggie and she nodded, leading all of us inside. We followed her inside as it started to get dark out, I guess she was showing us our rooms inside. 

Maggie showed us to our rooms and she also wanted to spend some time with Judy, just to make her happy. Judith really has missed spending time with her aunt Maggie and now is the time. "I'll wake you both up for breakfast in the morning. Sleep well guys." "We will." I spoke back to Maggie as she kept Judith clung to her hip. 

I walked over to Maggie and Judith, bringing them both into a hug. I couldn't explain into words how much I loved what Maggie done for all of us. She's stronger than anyone I know. "Thank you... for everything Mags." She immediately hugged me back and I felt Judy lay her head on my shoulder for a quick second. 

I pulled away and seen them both stare at me. They were so perfect. They were both beautiful. Family is the strongest thing in the world and my father threw that away with me, ages ago. He lost his chance. Maggie smiled at me once more and walked out with Judith in her arms. 

I sighed and turned around seeing Carl smiling like I never have before. "What?" I giggled slightly, whilst walking up to him, getting ready to wrap my arms around him. "Everything is falling to together now. Our baby, Maggie's baby, Judith... They'll all be okay now." He wrapped his arms around me as I did too. 

Everything Carl spoke was true. A few weeks ago I thought everything was falling apart because of Negan and the many deaths he has caused but I realized everything with Grace, her mom, Sasha, Enid... Is what brought me here today with him. 

"Everything happens for a reason... Right?" "Right." He smiled back at me and I pushed myself onto his lips gently. He kissed back and I felt like I was going to burst with happiness, passion and love. It all hit me at once. Everything did. I pulled away and stared into his eye, knowing this was the person I wanted to spend my whole existence with. 

"Have you thought of any names for the baby?" I asked him and he smirked at me slightly, knowing he had a few ideas in his mind. He scoffed slightly and stared down at me. "Well?" I smiled at him and he laid his hand on my cheek. 

"Grace... Grace Grimes." He spoke out and I stopped everything whilst I stared at him and listened at the words that came out his mouth. He really cared for my past and he's proving it right now, letting us name our baby girl after Grace. "What do you think?" He asked me and I felt water rise up to my eyes at the thought of remembering Grace. 

"I think... I think it's beautiful. I love it. I love you..." "I love you, Blair."

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