Chapter Thirty-four - Sasha...

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Song of the chapter - Somebody to die for by Hurts

Blair (Three weeks later)

We stopped outside of Alexandria as I sat beside Negan in the truck, waiting for Eugene to speak up to Rick. I scanned the outsides of the community and seen multiple people standing up top of the gates, including Rick. My heart skipped a beat as I finally thought'd I'd see my family again, but not in a good way. But the thing that worried me the most was to get outta this mess. I didn't know what my dad had up his sleeve next. 

"All points are covered. Every contingency is already met. I come armed and two barrels of the truth. A test is upon you and I'm giving out the cheat sheet." Eugene spoke through the microphone as multiple vehicles pulled up behind us. I eyed down the amount of trucks pulling in and turned back around to see Negan. 

"You said you wouldn't hurt another family member! What are you doing!?" I screamed at him as my eyes threatened for tears to stream out at the thought of taking down my family. "Oh hunny, I don't keep promises." "What the fuck do you want from me!? I've given you everything these past few weeks, including your disgusting needs!" I screamed again and he done nothing but glare at me before listening to Eugene again. 

"H-Hello. I come salved with the hope that it is my dropped knowledge that you head. Options are zero to none. Compliance and fealty are your only escape. Bottom-lining it--you may thrive, or you may die. I sincerely wish for the former for everyone's sake. The jig is up and in full effect. Will you comply, Rick?" Eugene spoke up to Rick.

I seen the terror on Rick's face and it immediately broke my heart. He scanned the front of Alexandria for that one certain person but we were too far back for him to see us. "Where's Negan?" He immediately spoke up and I seen Eugene stare at him, not knowing what to say next. But that quickly changed to a glare. 

"I'm Negan." He spat at him and I shook my head mentally, not facing the truth that one of my favorite people has turned into a criminal. Silence filled the air and I noticed Rick look down at someone and it was Rosita. Rosita looked heart broken at the fact Eugene has changed for the worse. 

Suddenly, Rick nodded to her and she quickly pressed something in her hand, making Rick bend down behind the wall. But nothing happened. At the corner of my eye I seen Negan chuckling and smirking to himself. "What did you do!" I screamed at him and he immediately pointed towards the gates. 

I seen a women and a lot of armed guards holding their weapons towards my very own family. "Ohhh, Jadus never fails." He chuckled again and I tried to open my door quickly to go out but the car doors were locked up. "Your gonna kill all of them!" I screamed at him and he looked over to me with a glare and a smirk. "That's my plan sweet heart." He waved his hands in the air, shrugging. My chest was rising up and down so quickly and my breaths started to increase in volume. 

I heard the gate of Alexandria open and my dad unlocked to door, grabbing me by the forearm. "Time to shine, cupcake." He smirked and jumped out of the truck. I didn't know what to do so I followed him. I was so shaky and confused, I didn't know what was happening. I seen Dwight follow us and I stayed far away from my dad and him for sure. 

"You ever hear about the one about the stupid prick named Rick who thought he knew shit but didn't know shit and got everyone he cared about killed. It's about you." Negan pointed at Rick as he stood at Gunpoint by this woman, Jadus. 

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