*Thirty Eight*

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We caught up to the man that we met at the bar

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We caught up to the man that we met at the bar. He was chasing Murphy and Cassandra.

"Murphy!" Warren yelled.

Cassandra then ran another way from Murphy. Murphy took a left as she went right.

A black suburban came from Murphy's direction and the stranger shot then truck, busting a window.

W wall stopped and took cover behind a car.

We heard tires screech and hit another car. The stranger then ran after Murphy again.

"Okay, it's like that, then." Warren mumbled.

A red Jeep full of men passed us and stopped. I looked behind us and that woman we saw earlier pointed a gun at us.

"Look out!" I yelled and we ran to the other side. The woman shot and almost hit 10k as he ran behind a store.

"Look out, kid!" Doc said.

"10k! Murphy!" Warren yelled as she pointed to the way Murphy went.

10k nodded. He then checked if it was clear and then ran towards Murphy's direction.

"Ugh! What the hell is going on?!" I said in frustration.

"It's a damn Murphy free for all!" Doc shouted.

The dude that the stranger shot, turned into a Z  and look straight at me as black liquid poured out of its mouth.

"I-I think it's time we need to-." I got cut off.

"Time to go!" Warren yelled and ran.

I sighed and ran with them. As we were tuning, a car blew up behind us. I turned around for a second and saw a man with a grenade launcher. Then we caught up with 10k.

We ran like bats out of hell. As we were running, I saw a woman shoot Murphy behind a yellow pick up, but then Cassandra attacked her.

I ran towards Murphy. He got up to his feet and I tackled him.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! You stupid jerk!" He yelled at me.

I then saw the man that had the grenade launcher. He pointed it at me and shot.

Luckily I dodged it.

But then, I hit my head. Everything was blurry, but I could see Cassandra on the ground with blood on her face and Murphy running.

Cassandra got up, walked towards me, and just looked at me for a second before running away.

I just laid there, listening to the gunfire. Not knowing where I am, and where my team is. That's when everything went black.

I can hear and feel everything around me, but I just couldn't open my eyes.

I felt someone pick me up and run.

"Is she okay?!" It was addy.

"I-I don't know." 10k stuttered as I felt him put me down and grab my face.

"Topaz!" I heard him. "Come on, please wake up!"

My eyes flew open and saw him hovering over me. My eyes met his green ones.

"I'm gonna Kill him." My voice was very rough.

"Thank god." He chuckled and leaned down to kiss me.

"Woah! What did we miss?" I heard addy ask.

10k got up and grabbed my hands to pull me to my feet.

"You scared the hell out of me, girlie!" Doc shouted over the gun shots Mack was firing.

I then couldn't hear anything else, there was so many gun shots firing.

"Why the hell is everybody shooting at everybody?!" Addy yelled.

"Cuz Murphy's the golden goose!" Warren scoffed.

"We're sitting ducks here. We're gonna have to split up into groups and keep moving." Warren demanded. "Topaz, are you all right?"

"A little dizzy but I'll be fine." I went to get up but almost immediately fell on my face but doc caught me.

"10k and doc. Take her with you!" Warren said to them. "You guys get to the valley and cut east and advance north."

"Mack and addy, you guys take the west side! We'll flush him out."

"Well, What about the bounty hunters?" Doc asked.

"Kill them too!" She yelled and cocked her gun. "On my call we'll cover you."

10k grabbed my arm and put it over his neck.

"Three, two, one. Go!" Warren yelled.

10k and I ran along with doc as the rest of our team covers us.

We got to the motel and hid behind a vehicle. Doc maneuvered to car to car and then ran to us.

"Murphy is there." Doc whispered. "Ready? Go." We then ran to another car, closer to the motel.

"The Z's must've followed him inside." Doc said. "But I think I know a back entrance. Might be safer."

The cars window busted. "Shit!" I yelled at the glass fell on me.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Doc asked. "That's a rhetorical question. All right, ready?"

"I'll cover. You two run." Doc said.

"One. Two. Three. go!" We went to run but a bullet hit right above my head.

"Damn!" 10k yelled.

"Someone's got us pinned." I said.

10k then raised a piece of metal and let the person shoot it. "Sniper."

"Great." I scoffed.

"Second floor, seventh window from the right." 10k told us.

"You think you can take him out?" I asked.

Doc then stood up but a Z popped out of the back seat window. Doc panicked and ran.

Me and 10k went behind another vehicle. He raised his gun and shot towards the sniper.

I then saw doc appear on the second floor. I gestured him where the shooter was and he nodded.

He then went into a room.

"Something's wrong." I shook my head.

"Don't Do it." He warmed me.

"Sorry, but I'm going." I then ran to the motel and up the staircase.

I then went into the room that doc went in and walked to the hallway.

I heard gasping from the next room. I put up my gun and slowly pushed the door open to see doc on the floor panting.

"Doc." I said and ran to him.

"Murphy." He panted.

"He's in the building?" 10k said as he came up to us.

"He just took off." Doc pointed.

10k helped doc up and we went for the door, but zombies showed up and I slammed the door. I turned around to see the man that was the sniper, turn to a Z.

"Duck Doc!" I yelled and he did.

I aimed and shot the Z. Blood splattered all over the walls.

"Friggin Zombies." I huffed.

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