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Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is - unknown


I felt anxiety rising in my body once more, knowing that I would have to face the other patients. Harry had not spoken to me ever since we left our room. Which was a little odd.

But then again so was I. So was life itself.

'How many others are there?' I asked the boy who was walking in front of me nervously. 'Four, we actually are the only boys, the others are all feminine.'

I just nodded, not even knowing if he saw me doing it, but I did not care at all. Once again I just wanted to sleep, long and deep. Or take a hot shower that would almost burn me alive.

I recognised the door that led to the dining room. Knowing that there were people and expectations behind that door made me feel nervous, very, very nervous. I had not even realised that Harry had stopped walking until the moment I awkwardly bumped into him. 'Sorry,' was my first reaction. I had not even thought about what happened, sorry was just my basic reaction when something unexpected happened.

'You are clumsy,' Harry simply said. 'Do something about that.'

Again, I did not reply. Maybe because I had no idea what to say, or maybe because his words had actually hurt me. Just a little. But they had hurt me.

Sometimes people forget what words can do to a person. How much damage they can leave. They can scratch a person's soul and leave a permanent mark on it. I know it is very hypocritical of me to say something like that, especially when you look at my history. One of hurting and bullying people for no reason.

Harry was one of them. He disgusted me, with his scar that made him famous. Every child in the world of magic knew him, and that made me sick of jealousy.

'Are you coming in or what?' the boy who lived asked rudely. He no longer stood next to me, he had taken a seat in the dining room already. Leaving me standing awkwardly in the hallway. I quickly followed him and took a seat next to him. Sitting next to him made me feel annoyed, but it also gave me a save feeling knowing that I was not alone in all of this.

A few seconds later two girls came in. One did not even seem to see me, she just took a seat without saying anything at all. The girl had straight black hair and was very short. The other girl on the other hand was very tall, had soft brown hair and a pair of sparkling green eyes to finish her face.

'Oh you must be the new guy!' she said, while she held out her hand for me to shake. I slowly took her much warmer hand into mine. 'I am Draco,' I just said, not knowing what else to do. Meeting other people had never really made me anxious, until now. 'It is really nice to meet you Draco, my name is Lydia and this is my friend Lucia. She is really shy you know.'

'No. I. Am. Not. Shy,' the other girl, Lucia, suddenly said angrily with a pause between every word that had left her lips. Her angry light blue eyes looked at Lydia who immediately took a seat without saying an other word. I could not be the judge of anything, but in my opinion there was a little tension between the two girls. An awkward silence fell, one that was broken when two other girls came in.

They were not too short or too long, one had strawberry-blond hair and dark brown eyes lying deep in her skull, the other had light brown hair and hazelnut brown eyes that stared at me on a scary way that actually give me chills. Neither one of them introduced there selves to me, they just took a seat and looked the other way. Like I was not even there.

'Their names are Serena and Honey, but they are very shy you know. They never really talk. But that is okay, we are all here to recover on our own way, are we not?'

She already annoyed me. 'Yeah, I guess you are right,' I said, feeling less anxious knowing that three out of the four girls did not care about me at all. It was like I did not exist in their eyes. One part of me felt hurt knowing that girls did not gave attention to me anymore. It automatically made me wonder if I disgusted them, and that made me wonder why they did not like me. Was it because I was ugly? Because I was rude and unfriendly? Because I smelled badly?

A small, skinny women with curly blonde hair and a round face came into the room and placed a few bord, forks and pans on the table. She started to divide the food over six plates. Her eyes found mine and the spoon she had hold fell out of her hand.

'How impolite of me!' she almost screamed. She grabbed my hand and started to shake it roughly. 'My name is Cecilia, but you can call me Cecil if you want to. I work here six days a week. I cook, clean your rooms and wash your clothes, but I do many more things. If you ever need help with anything just know that I am there for you, for all of you,' she said, emphasising the last bit.

'That is very kind of you, my name is Draco.'

'What a wonderful name my boy!' she cried out. Here kind words made the boy sitting next to me laugh in himself. Hearing him laugh made my blood boil and before I knew it my hands had found the collar of his horrible shirt, pulling him up. 'Excuse me?' I asked with anger resting in my tone. 'Did you just laugh?'

I heard some girls gasp in surprise. That did not bother me at all. I had hold my anger an entire day, I just could not hold it any longer. Before I could calm down a hand pushed me back in the chair. 'Oh dear boy,' Cecilia said while still holding me down in my chair, 'I think you guys have a lot to discuss tomorrow morning during group therapy.'

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