Word Of Thanks

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In this chapter I would like to say a few things about this book and of course I really, really want to thank every single one of you for reading my first fully English written book!

First of all, I would like to start with the reason I started writing this book. It is not because I have been admitted to a clinic like most of the characters in my book have. That does not mean however that I have not been battling my own demons for years now.  I have seen two different therapists who have changed my life completely. For me it was hard to open up to them, but once I had done that life seemed to go way better. I was not struggling as much as before anymore and all of that was because of them. In my opinion therapy really is a lifesaver, so if you ever feel like you cannot handle it on your own I highly recommend getting a therapist.

Draco has the same character and same mind-set I had and sometimes still have. Some things that happened to him have happened to me as well. Most times I would panic so much during my conversation with my therapist that my shirt would be soaked with sweat as well, but just like it happened with him that got better. He hates talking in groups and so do I, that still has not changed. So just like he found sort of a way to escape his demons, so have I. I am doing so much better lately.

That is why I want to tell you that if you ever feel like you are not worth it, or like you do not deserve to live anymore to send me a message. I want to be there for you, I want to help you. Feeling like there is no one to talk to is horrible, believe me, I can know. But you are not alone, please remember that. If I could get better, so can you. There is always hope left. Always.

For me it was rather easy to write this story. To be honest I have never written a story this quick before. I started writing on march 26th, and was done writing on april 23th. Never before have I finished a story this quickly. Maybe it was easy for me because I have been through something similar my character went through.

Draco looks like me a lot, but so does Lucia.  I found it hard to trust any boy or men. And I still do. But I am trying to get over that as well.

The reason why I let Harry die is because I sometimes still feel like life is not going anywhere for me. Some days I feel like this is it, you know. I go to school just so that I can learn how to work later, when I work I will work until I can retire and then I die. If I am lucky enough I meet a nice person to spend the rest of my life with, but if I am unfortunate I will stay alone forever. Thinking about the future makes me want to cry some days as well, but I still manage to life through those days. Maybe that is why I let Harry die, to show you that life will never be fair and that you should take nothing for granted since life can turn around just like that.

Now I would like to thank you, every single one of you. Thank you for reading my book. Thank you for voting. For leaving a comment that made me smile every single time. Thank your for not giving up on me. Please let me know that I will never give up on you either. You are all wonderful individuals, with a soul of gold.

I know it sounds weird but I care about all of you, so please let me know if there ever is anything I can do for you. Please let me know if you ever feel lonely or scared. Please let me know if I can help you. My message bocks thing is always open for you, for all of you.

Thank you so much again. For everything.

Lots of love,


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