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And I went tumbling down tryna reach your high

But I scream too loud if I speak my mind

I don't wanna wake it up

The devil in me - Halsey; Devil In Me


I wanted to scream; to make sure every body in the entire universe knew how delighted I felt. After our, absolutely amazing, kiss Harry had confessed with a red colour on his cheeks to me that he might or might not had feelings for me as well. It was relatively easy for me to confess my feelings for him as well after that, with the same red colour on my face. But since he and Ginny had only broken up very recently we had agreed to not go to fast.

That simply meant that we could hold hands, cuddle and maybe even sleep together in the same bed as much as we wanted, but nothing more. Since we had our first kiss I had not touched his soft, pretty and pink lips with mine anymore, it was something we both were not ready for yet. That did not bother me at all however, just being with him, being able to hold him and cherish him made me feel like the happiest men on earth.

'I want to tell my mother,' I told him, a few minutes before we were going to meet our family and friends. By the look on his beautiful face I understood that he had not understand me. 'I want to tell her about us, about what I feel for you and what you hopefully still feel for me after I have been snoring that badly last night.'

The raven-haired boy threw a pillow to me, one that I easily caught. A soft laugh escaped those beautiful lips that he owned, lips that I had felt not that long ago on mine.

'But only if you agree of course,' I said, not wanting to do anything that had to do with him without his permission. 'I agree,' he nodded to me. 'But only if you keep it quiet, I am not sure if Ginny will be there as well and to be honest I do not want her to hear about this. Not yet.'

I could tell that we was very nervous about todays family-day. From what he had told me I understood that Ginny had been here every single time to visit him. She had not left his side a single time. However, things had changed. They were no longer in a relationship and despite the fact that I did not consider the Weasley girl to be the angry, jealous type of ex-girlfriend I could not predict if she would turn up or not. And neither could Harry, something that had been keeping him awake that night.

'I will be extra careful,' I promised him, crawling on to his side of the room. 'But only if I can get a kiss from you on my cheek.'

A smile appeared on his lips as he looked at me with his sparkly green eyes. 'Are you black-mailing me, Mr Malfoy?'

'Is it working, Mr Potter?' I asked him as our faces got closer. It was pretty obvious that we were going to do the one thing we both had agreed to not do; kissing each other on the lips. I could feel his hot breath against my sensitive lips, craving for his touch. Craving for them to touch me and give me that absolutely wonderful feeling again.

But before we even got the change to touch each others lips there was a soft knock on the door, followed by Cecilia telling us that our family and friends had arrived. A impatient, deep sign left my lips as I quickly kissed him on his cheek. 'We should go,' I whispered, receiving an impatient but understanding groan from the other boy. 'Yeah,' he said in agreement, knowing that he had no other choice but to face his fears.

'Hey,' I said, forcing him to look me in my steel-blue eyes that were filled with love. 'I am right there, alright? If you ever feel like it is going to be too much just look at me and I will make sure that someone will get you out of there. Or I will get you out of there myself, do we have a deal?'

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