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There's nothing wrong with falling in love and sharing your life with someone - Lily James


'I really do not know what to do anymore, Lucia,' I spoke honestly, throwing my hands in the air to show her that I had given up. 'I must be the least romantic person on this earth.'

'O please Draco, do not overreact like that. I am sure that there must be a good idea in that head of yours do make it a special night without someone from the staff finding out.'

'But how do I manage to do that? Someone will find out eventually, I am sure of it,' I spoke my doubts out loud. A few days ago I had decided that I wanted to take a guess in life and ask Harry Potter to be my boyfriend. I knew that by labelling us as boyfriend and boyfriend things between the two of us could easily change, however that did not hold me back from at least asking him to be mine.

Just the thought of that created a smile on my lips. I wanted to call him mine more then anything else, I honestly did not know if I had ever wanted something that badly. I wanted to make sure that he knew just how much I actually cared about him, I wanted him to know how special he was to me. That is why I made it so hard for myself, that is why every idea I had did not seem to be right. Nothing was enough for him, nothing could live up to the standerds I had created in my mind. I wanted that moment to be special, to be absolutely unforgettable regardless what his answer would be. If it would be a yes, something I hoped for, it would finish the amazing night. But if it would be a no we at least had a nice evening together.

Now I only had to figure out how to make it special.

'What if I surprise him in our room when he comes back from therapy?' I thought out loud, only to receive a doubtful look from the shorter girl. 'That is nice,' she started, 'but what if he had a hard time during therapy? Then he is grumpy before you could say anything, that really is a mood killer.'

'Yeah,' I said, feeling stupid because I had not thought about that. 'You are right. It is stupid of me that I did not think about that.'

'It is okay,' she tried to comfort me. 'We all forget things sometimes, that is why we are planning this together; to make sure that you do not forget anything.'

I softly laughed, thanking her for helping me with planning something this important. I felt like my life depended on it; like this might could be my only shot at something called "true" love. Now that I was this close to find some happiness I was afraid to lose it all over again.

'I just feel like such an idiot for not being able to think about something that is nice and romantic.'

'Why would you think about something nice and romantic?' a voice belonging to an older women interrupted our conversation, making the both of us look around in shock. Cecilia was standing in the dooropening and all of a sudden I regretted having such a private conversation in a livingroom.

'Oh, uh, I,' I started, feeling how a blush found its way to my face. I had no idea what to tell her, lying never had been something I was good at. No matter how hard I tried, I always failed. My eyes found a pair of clear blue ones that looked just as insecure as mine did. She started torturing her lip with her teeth, showing me that she had no idea how to solve this problem either.

'I will tell you, but only if you promise me not to tell dr. Dolan or any other staff member, alright? If you promise me I might tell you,' I told her, biting my lips in nerves. For a moment the nurse looked genuinely confused, her eyes went from me to Lucia and back to me. 'Are you two dating? Is that it? Because if this is about love then you have my word,' she said, causing the both of us to blush. 'No!' the black-haired girl shouted in defend.

'Me and Lucia are not dating,' I started, not really sure how to put my feeling in words. 'But I would like to date someone else: Harry.'

Her eyes got bigger and before I knew it she was sitting next to me on the sofa as well. 'Alright,' the nurse spoke happily. 'I am in. Love is something I would always fight for, but since I am in a relationship with someone from the same sex as well I know how hard it can be to figure something out that can be perfect for a night out, so I really want to help you.'

'And you will not tell dr. Dolan?'

'No, I summerly swear that I will not,' she promised us with the smile still lying on her lips. 'I am so happy for you to! If I am honest I saw it coming, but since I am not allowed to say such a things out loud to you I never said anything.'

I smiled at her, not even reconsidering how weird it actually was that she had thought that we would end up with feelings for each other. Normally it would have made me feel extremely awkward. However, since it was Cecilia who was speaking to me it did not seem to bother me that much.

'I just want to make the night special, you know, since this is actually the first time I really want to put effort in a relationship. I want it to be an unforgettable night, regardless what his answer will be,' I confessed to her, hoping that she might was able to help me figure out how exactly to do it. 'How did you and your girlfriends relationship begin? Who asked who and how did it happen?'

Cecilia's eyes seemed to drift off when she thought about it again. 'Oh it was absolutely wonderful,' she spoke with a dreamy smile on her lips. 'I asked her after a fun night at the fun fair. We had been playing all those stupid games, had been in every attraction and even in the carousel. I actually asked her to be my girlfriend while we were sitting in the carriage in the carousel. It was so romantic and special. I had been planning on it forever, but in the end it must have looked a little stupid since we were the only two grownups in the carousel. We just did not care at all.'

'That sounds wonderful,' Lucia said smiling at her. 'My boyfriend asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend while we were eating a pizza and watching a stupid comedy show. It really was not that romantic since he askes me while his mouth was filled with pizza and beer.'

I frowned at her, wondering why on earth she would have agreed to being his girlfriend. He sounded awful, but I knew very well that sometimes people are caught up in the moment and do not think clearly.

'I am sorry, but I do hope that I can make it a little more special for Harry and me,' I said on a sorry way to the smaller girl. 'But I could maybe combine those two things together; something that is so romantic and sweet that your tooth enamel melts off and something with food to finish the night.'

'Good idea,' the older women spoke up, looking at me with happiness in her eyes. 'Since I am involved in you plan now I might be able to arrange you some food and a cover when people start asking why you are not there.'

'Is this not completely against the things you are supposed to do?' the black-haired girl asked the curly blond-haired women with suspicion in her voice. 'No,' she simply said while shrugging. 'My contract says that when a patient asks me to not tell something to the therapist that he or she is seeing and it is not life treating or important for his or her recovery I am allowed to keep that secret.'

'You are amazing Cecilia,' I spoke looking at her with thankful eyes, 'and so are you Lucia, I am sure that with your help this will indeed be a unforgettable night that we will never forget. Thank you so much.'

'You are welcome,' they both said and Lucia grabbed my hand. 'Now we only have to make a plan. This will be the best night of your life. It must be.'

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