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Groupchat (3 weeks later)
Bad Chicas👏🏾

Jada: I'm dying, omg

Aniyah: like frfr, you're in the hospital or you're just sick

Tiana: orrrrr you're like dying at laughing at something

Kennedy: yeaaa you gotta be more specific

Jada:  no I'm sick, like I keep throwing up and shit and I feel dizzy asf

Asia: I mean i don't want to have to be the one to say it but....

Aniyah: sis, you might just be pregnant

Tiana: so what I'm hearing is that you and Zion fucked after all?

Jada: no I swear on my life that I'm not pregnant

Asia: so, you used a condom ?

Kennedy: you're not on the pill?

Tiana: omg !

Tiana: I'm going to be an auntie even tho we really not related but still!! Omg

Aniyah: I'll take you to the drug store, I'll be at your house in 5

3rd person !

Like Aniyah said, she got to Jada's house in 5 minutes. It was only a 10 minute drive in which was spent in silence. Jada spent the car ride biting her nails while Aniyah focuses on the road ahead. Jada knew that she had been careless and didn't use a condom, but she didn't think that she'd get pregnant. Too caught up in lust.

They hoppped out of the car and headed to the aisle with all the pregnancy stuff. Aniyah makes Jada get at least 3 different pregnancy tests just to be sure. Some have false results and they surely don't want that happening.

When they head to the front area, they place the tests on the counter. The older middle aged lady gives them a look of pity which pisses Aniyah off. Aniyah throws the money in her face, flicking her off, and bags the pregnancy tests herself leaving the cashier looking dumbfounded.

Now the nerves have really kicked in for Jada. Aniyah immediately pushes Jada into the bathroom of her apartment, throwing the pregnancy tests at her.

Jada peed on all of the sticks—which was harder than it seemed, seeing as if she didn't even have to go anyway.

When she was done, she immediately washed her hands and paced around the small bathroom area. She could see the faint lines forming on each of the sticks, making her heart beat even faster.

Jada takes each of the tests out to the living room where Aniyah was sitting down on her phone.

"Aniyah." Jada speaks so quietly that she could barely hear.

"1 line means negative, 2 lines means that you're pregnant." Aniyah says more so to herself.

"Oh my gosh, two fucking lines. YOU'RE PREGNANT." Aniyah says jumping up and down more excited than Jada.

Jada smiles weakly. She was very excited to have a mini her, but what would her family think? How would she be able to finish college and graduate with a baby? Most importantly...

How would Zion react?

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