More guys

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   ⚠️Trigger warning!!!!⚠️
This part includes some sexual harassment so if you are not okay with that or it bothers you in any way you can just skip to the best part. Thank you guys!!!

We got back and Sam took Matt to his house and Colby and I stayed at Colby's. My ankle was in excruciating pain and Colby just wasn't tired, so we just sat in his bed and talked for a bit. As the pain subsides from the medicine they gave me I finally stood up to get changed into my pajamas.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked.

"First door on the left." Colby said as he stood up and took off his shirt and rummaged through his suitcase to find his shorts.

"K thanks colbs." I said as I walked to the bathroom.
  I quickly got changed into my shorts and my pink now or never tee shirt. Same pajama a usually wear. I washed my face and left the bathroom.
  I walked back in Colby's room and he was on the phone.

"Come on you need to back off." He said. "You know what bye!" He shouted before he hung up.

"Shea?" I asked as I put my dirty clothes down by my suit case.

"Nope an old friend from here." He said as he scrolled through his phone.

"Oh okay." I said as I sat on the side of his bed.

"They wanted me to hook them up with you." He said as he looked over at me and sat down.

"Me? Your funny colbs." I said as I moved up my the head of the bed and rested my back on the pillows and tucked both my knees close to my chest.

"Josie really they all want you." He said. I kinda laughed.

"Colby what are we anyway?" I asked. We had never exactly talked about exactly what we were. I mean friends say they love each other.

"I don't know. What do you want to be?" He said as he moved closer to me his face in mine and his hand on my thigh.

"Your Colby Brock." I whispered like it had just hit me.

"And you're Josie Asher." He laughed.

"Colby I don't know either. I've never been in this situation." I said confused on what to say.

"How about you're my girlfriend and we can wait to tell fans if you want." He said as he got even closer to my face.

"Okay." I said in a shaky happy voice. Colby's lips met mine gently as his hand moved up my side.

"No colby." I said knowing what his plan was.

"Okay princess I understand." He said as he pulled away.

I laid down on my back and Colby feasted his head in my stomach and wrapped his arms around me.
I played with his messy brown hair. I love this. How did I get here? How am I his lucky? What is wrong with me? Why did I just reject that? I asked myself.
Then I realized that I had said the last part out loud.

"Because you weren't ready jo and that's okay." Colby mumbled as he sat up and looked at me.

"I'm sorry." I muttered as I looked down at my lap.

"Josie come here." He said inviting me to lay my head in his chest.

"I love you weather you have sex with me or not." He said as he kissed my four head.

"I love you too colbs." I said as my eyes shut sleepily.

I woke up the next morning and Colby was already awake sitting there in his phone.

"Morning beautiful." He smiled at me. I smiled back and sat up and kissed him.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked.

New girl (A Colby Brock fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now