Hangovers suck

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I woke up to the bright sun light coming through the curtains. I was laying on my stomach defiantly not in my own shirt . I was wearing a really big hoodie , but I mean I'm small I'm only 5'4" so all hoodies are big on me.
    I sat up my head was pounding as I looked around the room. Where the hell am I this is not my room?!? I thought to myself. I looked round and I saw someone sitting at a desk in the corner and all I could see was dark short messy hair. He turned to look at me. It was Colby.
What the hell did I do last night?

"Good morning." He said smiling at me. He was sitting there in only basketball shorts and no shirt. His dark brown hair was messy.

"What the hell happened last night?" I asked holding my head and cringing in pain.

"You... passed out after drinking a crazy amount of vodka then you told Shea that she was a whore and tried to get with me." He explained kinda laughing.

"Oh shit!! I'm so so sorry!! I'm not usually like this. I was nervous and I started drinking a lot." I explained as I put my head in my hands.

"Hey it could happen to anyone. Don't worry about it." He smiled at me. I was honestly on the verge of tears I felt so bad.

"God I made a fool of myself!" I whined.

"Hey it's okay don't worry about it." Colby said getting up and walking over and sitting next to me.

"I don't think I've ever drank that much in my life." I said looking at him.

"Here take some Advil you'll need it." He said handing me the bottle and a bottle of water that was sitting in his night stand.

"Thanks." I said. I was kinda lost in my thoughts. I'm in Colby Brocks bed. I thought.

"We didn't...." I asked realizing that I was in his bed.

"Oh no don't worry." Colby said kinda laughing.

"Oh thank god I wanna keep that as long as I can!" I said kinda mumbling.

"What was that?"Colby asked drawing his attention to my eyes.

"I need to apologize to Shea. I barely know he  I had no right to say those things." I said only kinda feeling bad because let's face it she didn't like me and she let me know.

"No you don't she said far worse things about you that's why she's not here I asked her to leave." Colby explained.

"What did she say?" I asked interested.

"Well um she said that you were too ugly for me and stuff like that." Colby explained ,but I can tell he was keeping something from me.

"Is that all?" I asked wanting to find out exactly what she said about me because I needed to know how much ass kicking I needed I do.

"The basis." He said kinda looking away from me.

"So when did Matt and Gabbie leave?" I asked wondering why they left me alone.

"Last night after you passed out and I moved you in here because I was worried that something was going to happen to you."

"Oh um do you think you could give me a ride home? I really need to finish unpacking and setting up my room." I asked trying to be cute and sweet hoping Colby would like me.

"Oh yeah do you need any help I don't have anything to do today?" Colby asked kindly.

"If you would like. We can always use the help. I also need I figure out something to film for tomorrow." I said holding my head. My hangover was so bad that it hurt to think.

"I'll help you if you want. If you wanted I could take you to an abandon place to film." He said seeming excited.

"Sure sounds great!" I said excited that my favorite youtuber wanted to film with me.

"Alright I'll leave so you can get dressed." Colby said grabbing his clothes and leaving the room.
   I wanted to scream form all the excitement, but I just got up and put my clothes back in from last night. Under the hoodie I was in my bathing suit form last night and luckily my bag was on the floor in there so I had the underwear I packed.

  I walked out of Colby's room with all my stuff and made my way downstairs.

"Hey it's Josie right?" Sam asked as I walked into the hallway.

"Yeah highly doubt you're gonna forget my name after my embaressing scene last night." I said as I looked down at my feet and folded my hands in front of me.

"Nah I won't forget your name because you told off Shea. Colby doesn't know that I don't like her." Sam explained

"Really she semmed...sweet." I said acting like I actually like her so that Colby wouldn't be mad at me.

"Yeah you don't have to like everyone Colby's friends with just to impress him." Sam explained in a slight laugh.

"TO IMPRESS HIM!?" I snapped my head back up to look at him.

"Josie you announced it to everyone last night." Sam explained expecting me to remember.

"I would not do that even though I was drunk!" I said in shock.

"You did. You wanna see the video?" Sam asked me as he pulled out his phone.

"Hey Sam..." Colby began as he walked into the hall. "I'm taking Josie home and I'm gonna help her and Matt unpack."

"Oh alright. I thought you were going out with Shea today." Sam said looking at Colby surprised.

"Not after they way she acted. I really don't even want to talk to her right now." Colby explained to Sam.

"Alright then. Well have fun..I guess." Sam said as he turned around and walked back upstairs.

"Alright you ready?" Colby asked turning his gaze to me.

"Yeah I guess." I said.

  Colby led me out the front door and out to his car before he opened the door for me.

"Thanks." I said as Colby got into the drivers seat.

"Thanks for what?" Colby asked turning the key and starting the car.

"Letting me stay the night and crash in your room. Ya know and helping me move in and that." I said blushing not knowing exctally what to say.

"Hey no need to thank me. Plus you need the help I know how bad a hangover can suck epecially when you have things to do." Colby explained resting his hand on my thigh, sending shivers down my back as he looked over at me. I know I was blushing thats why I looked away and out my wondow.
  I herd Colby kinda chuckle as he took his hand off my leg and put if back on the stearing wheel. Ugh  why does he have to be so cute.

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