my worth

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why is my worth

tied to my body?

why is my worth

tied to who i am?

do i deserve less

when i wear a dress?

do i deserve less

when i look like a mess?

because i'll never be seen

on the cover of a magazine,

is that why you see me

like you can judge me so freely?

i'll never be perfect

so you get to pick out my flaws?

i know the effect

so is this the cause?

you don't like what you see

so you tear it apart,

but i'm underneath

and you're leaving scars.

why are your standards

the ones that should matter?

you'll never be me

who cares what you're after?

i know who i am

what i am, what i'm worth

you are not better

just because of your birth.

you'll get more than me

probably more than i ever will

but inside you're hollow

you're empty, a shell.

i'm full of life

full of love, full of light

i'm stronger because

i know you'll never be right.

how i look on the outside

who i am deep within,

neither concern you

i won't let you win.

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