BTS in Horror Movies😱

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BTS in Horror Movies😱

Kim Seokjin as The Mother and The Comedian~

When you think of Jin in a horror movie my mind instantly thinks of him being the mother figure in the movie, always trying to make sure people are okay or trying to save people. But I also think of his as cracking his dad jokes like he always does, cause that boy can't go one day without telling one of his dad jokes and it's too hilarious but kinda lame too but we love Jin even when he is cracking his dad jokes and laughing!

Kim Namjoon as The Nerd and Know-It all~

I'm horror movies Namjoon would definitely be the nerd or know it all but he would be the hot nerd 😏 and he wouldn't be that stuck up know it all but the one with the good advice no one listens too. He also might break a few things along the way but nerds in horror movies tend to be clumsy af. Namjoon would try to make sure everyone knew what was going on through some good facts and clues around but wouldn't get the recognition he deserves for k owing what to do in that situation the jocks and popular kids would.

Min Yoongi too busy sleeping and not giving a shit~

Yoongi would definitely be the one to sit around doing nothing, maybe complaining sometimes but mostly sleeping. This boy wouldn't care at all what is going on or he would be too lazy to fight run or care if he dies, he has said you'll die anyway so might as well be by a horror mo or killer/villains hand that Yoongi dies. He would most likely be the first to die cause of his just laying around not running away from the killer making himself an easy target.

Jung Hoseok as The Scaredy Cat~

When you think of Hoseok and think of horror, just picture him screaming his head off and running away. Like have you not seen that boy around that snake or watching the scare video they had the boys watch? Well if not go watch them because they boy freaked the hell out. Though Hoseok would be deemed the scaredy cat he would always survive cause he would be the first to run away from the scary situation cause he's not about to stick around for anything scary that's just Hoseok for you.

Park Jimin as The Sexy Bitch~

Jimin would be that guy who is way too good looking and knows it but isn't too humble about it because I can't see Jimin being a total hot douche bag. All the girls would be flocking his way, swooning about how good looking he is, boosting his ego but he would try to out that innocent act on to keep them around. He would pay more attention to the attention given to him than to the danger or killer Shay could be lurking and watching him. He might be the second to die or maybe his looks might get him out of trouble. You can't always judge a book by its cover and the same goes for people so Jimin could survive if he wanted.

Kim Taehyung as The kid who gets lost or watches things happen~

TaeTae would be the person who wanders off a lot, or gets lost. You'd see him one minute then the next he's disappeared and you can't find him. I could also picture him sitting on top of a tree branch out of sight watching things unfold and offering little to know help, in which he would survive cause no one would be bothering to look for his lost ass self. This boy would have to be protected at all costs or heavily watched so he doesn't wander off, but maybe the reason he could get lost in a horror
movie means he is the killer 😱 The possibilities 😏

Jeon Jungkook as The die-hard survivalist and The Athlete~

Jungkook loves working out and exercising, we all know this. He would definitely be that jock in the movie, with the muscles and the survival skills for taking on anything that is being thrown their way. Though like most jocks in movies kookie wouldn't be all over the girls or wanting it get laid , much 😏, he'd be smart and know how to get when out of situations and I like Namjoon who might be ignored kookie wouldn't be ignored cause he wouldn't let himself be ignored. He could definitely survive in a horror movie.

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