Where Is She?

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*Anna's POV*

My boyfriend and best friend are both officially deceased. I promise I'm not crazy. Things happen and people die. Get over it! They both had it coming regardless.

I go downstairs. I see Amber making coffee and pancakes.

"No sausage?" She should know me by now.

"Oh sorry Anna. I'm in a rush to meet Rachael. You're going to have to make them today. Sorry, love you bye!" She closes the door behind her as she leaves. I'll just eat pancakes. I turn on the TV and I see Emily's face on the news. I turn up the volume on the TV.

"Breaking News: The 17 year old Emily Anderson has now been reported missing. If anyone has heard from her or knows her most recent whereabouts, please call 555..." I put the volume down, due to the fact that I do not happen to care.  

After I eat, I decide to go upstairs and read. It calms the soul.

*time passes*

*Amber's POV*

I finally reach home. "It is 3:00 pm, I need to head to practice or I'll be late."

On my way to the stairs, I see the news about Emily.

"Mom, is that Emily?" 

"Yes honey, it is. I hope she is okay." My mother is so caring. She loved Emily like she was her own daughter.

"Oh my, I'll go tell Anna." I go upstairs and into Anna's room. She doesn't even acknowledge my presence.

"Anna, did you know Emily went missing?"

"Yes." She replies calmly. Her head is still buried in the book.

"You're not worried?" I walk closer to her.

"No, she'll be fine." Anna's voice sounds so chilling.

"Okay then. I'll be back later and we can talk about how you feel, if you want." 

"Okay, bye." She smiles widely. Okay, what was that? How was she so calm and now so happy? It's Anna, how could I forget? She's fine.


I close her door and go into my room to get my cheer uniform. I scurry down the stairs and into my car. I start the engine and open the windows.

Ugh! This car reeks, I'm going to have to get it washed and cleaned out. 

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