Chapter 8

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*Hey guys, finally got my laptop fixed, so i should be able to write longer chapters! WOOO! and in the spirit of the killjoys (and not haveing to go to school or haveing any more exams), FREEDOM!!!!!!!! *chough chough* i have no idea where that came from *whistles the anthem by good charlote and walks off*

[last time]

"wait! Keep the door open will you!" I called up. He nodded and put a box of something in front of the door. "Thanks!" He nodded again and slumped off to bed, i didn't notice until he was at his door, that he wasnt wearing anything. i don't want to know why.

aparantly i was just standing there with a confused look on my face for a bit longer than i should have, because as soon as we put the amp on the table Waste started attacking me (by that i mean tickling me). "Waste!!! Stop!!!" i screamed and that brought out Kobra from his shared room, also with no clothes on."Shut the fuck up" he wispered. we just nodded and closed the door behind him, locking it. well i think thats what he did because i heard something click a few seconds after.

"Im going back down to the basement, and i think its best if you two come with me" he ssaidas he started pushing me and Plain back to wards the basement.

 "Wait, i forgot my torch" plain said swiveling out of his hold.

She was just about to pick the torch up when we heard a moan come from Jet and Kobras room. She stoped just a few inches from picking up her torch and her face flushed bright red, not as red as my hair, but still pretty bright. i looked up at Waste and his face was pretty red to, that just confused me even more."what?" i said as plain grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the stairs. "Whats going on?" they just shook their heads and mumbled something incoherent. "Pardon?"

"Do you want to lose anymore of your innocence?" Waste said when got to the bottem of the stairs.

"What do yo-" i cut myself off when it clicked into place. "OH, yeah thanks." now my face was as red as my hair.

"hey guys, we found some more music equipment, but most of it's broken." Toxic sais, pointing towards the area she just came from. "hey, are you guys feeling okay?" she asked as soon as she turned and noticed our faces."yeah, yeah we're fine. lets take a look at what you found." Plain said pushing her back the way she came. thank god for sisters. We only got a steps towards where Neo was lying and messing with wires when we heard something remeniscant to stomping above our heads.

I'm actually suprised that our faces didn't spontaneosly combust, either that or its just very hot down here. Neo and Toxic looked at us like we were crazy, well i guess i am but thats besides the point, and were aboutto ask something when i gave them my famous 'don't you fucking dare' glare. they shut their mouths and just looked up to the ceiling. the stomping like noise was still continueing, they looked back at our faces, which were still burning hot, and i think something cliked into place because they had a look of realiseation on their faces until they got as red as ours.

"lets go look on the other side of the room." i quickly turned and walked away without needing their snide comments. we kept looking around for hours but it wasn't to long after the stomping stoped that we found an old drum kit, un-fixable though. the sticks were in good condition so Toxic kept those as we kept looking around. not to long after that we found several boxs of guitar and bass strings, so me and Toxic took them upstairs whilst the others kept looking.

when we got back upstairs we found Jet and Kobra in the kitchen making some thing that smelled like toast, thankfully they were wearing pants. we wandered over to where we put the amp and picked up Pains torch as we were leaving. when we turned around Jet and Kobra were heavily makeing out. we would have left them to it, if we didnt smell burning, so i cleared my throught. They jumped apart and both their faces flushed red. "aren't you forgeting something!" i called to them as we were heading down stairs. we heared a lot of cursing and a name that i'm sure none of us new, well at least my group didn't. we started to head back to the area we left the others in and we bumped into Neo, who had one of the biggest smiles ive ever seen him have on his face.

"you'll never guess what i just found!" he squealed, and yes, sometimes he does squeal, but only in cases like this. i peared round his back to get a peek at what he was hideing, but he wouldnt let me so i just rolled my eyes and started being sarcastic.

"was it a unicorn?"


"was it a time machine?"

"Nada" i sighed at his use of the spanish language.

"was it my fist?"

"Nein" now he's useing german, must be something good if he's being like this.

"was it the last ever MCR album?"

"we did find one of them, nope" he said poping the 'p', wait what? they found the last ever MCR album?!?! HOLY SHIT!!! GIMME!!! is what i would have said but for now i'll just have to sream it on the inside whilst keeping my cool on the out side. i gave him a look that said 'out with it' he knows i can get very violent if he's not carefull. He jumped back a little because he knows what'll happen if he doesn't.

He sighed and brought out a stringless bass from behind his back. "oh thats cool, what  type is it?""i don't know but honestlt, i dont care, i can finaly play again" he semi-sighed in relif. i rolled my eyes again and me and Toxic were about to go upstairs with him when i remebered something.

"wait, how are you going to tune it?" they both stoped when i said that. Neo reached in to the back poket of his pants and pulled out his lucky tuneing fork, i face palmed at that.

"and you call us blonde" Toxic sighed.

"well you are!"

"yeah, i just died it ginger" she sarcasticly remarked. i gave her a punch on the shoulder for that.

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