Chapter 9

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[last time]

He sighed and brought out a stringless bass from behind his back. "oh thats cool, what  type is it?" "i don't know but honestly, i dont care, i can finaly play again" he semi-sighed in relife. i rolled my eyes again. me and Toxic were about to go upstairs with him when i remebered something.

"wait, how are you going to tune it?" they both stoped when i said that. Neo reached in to the back poket of his pants and pulled out his lucky tuneing fork, i face palmed at that.

"and you call us blonde" Toxic sighed.

"well you are!"

"yeah, i just died it ginger" she sarcasticly remarked. i gave her a punch on the shoulder for that.

When we got upstairs, i notced that Jet and Kobra wern't in the kitchen. i didn't hear any weird noises comeing from their room either, thank god. hopefully they were asleep, but i don't want to find out.

whilst they went over to wher me and T put the guitar and bass strings, i went over to the kitchen to asses the damage from kobra and jet being in the kitchen at the same time, neither are to good at kitcheny things. other than a few broken mugs and really weird stain on the cabinet below the sink, the haven't done anything to bad, i'll have to quiz them about the stain, and from the state of the other cabinets, that isn't the first weird stain to apear.

"finised!" Neo exclaimed."great, play sommet' then"

"like what?" tough question.

"DAMNED IF I DO YA'!" T screamed.

"sitten' right next to ya' bro" i said whilst cleaning my newly deffend ear. she rolled her eyes and giggled whilst punching my shoulder. "hey thats my job!" well it is. they just rolled their eyes and kept giggleing, T started the beat for the drums with the drumsticks she found and tapped them on the table.

and that brings us back to now, well after playing a few songs.

~Party Poisons P.O.V~

They were singing and playing music. why? where'd they get the guitars and the drums? is that a drum? no, no it's not heavy enough to be drums. it sounds more like the tables we here in the staition. the guitars don't sound like they're hooked up to any amps either, but whos singing? it sounds practiced, well they all do but the singing sounds like the person has either had lessons or has been doing it since he/she was young.

"fuck!" ghoul said, drawing out the 'u'. "who the fuck is makeing music all the way out here? and why are they so god damn loud!""They ain't as loud as you are, thats for sure." i replied sassily with a smirk i hoped he couldn't see.

"i can feel you smileing Party." he retorted back with just as much sass.

Rolling my eyes i sat up but kept my arms round his waist. He dosen't seem to mind it, oh how i wishwe could stay like this forever, listening to this beautifull music, but i digress."come on. lets go get some coffee." he just stared at me with his beautiful hazel eyes that seemed to sparkel in the mid day sun.

*hey guys, sorry its so short, ive got major writes blocked.*

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