New hell above

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*hi guys, I came up with this on a kinda spur-of-the-moment thing, but I thought it was cool so I'm going to try. Oh the title of this story is also the name if my band, we just started and we're in the middle of writing our first song, as soon as we finish it, I'll give you guys the link, sound good? Good.*

~Twisted blade's P.O.V (that's my killjoy name btw)~

It's been seven years since BL/ind took over the world, and no I don't mean entirely. They took over the capital of each country, forceing the rest of the country to submit one way or another, and it became hell for those who resisted.

Me and my band, New Hell Above, escaped all this madness, with difficulty. We ran over to Germany for abit, stocking up on weapons and 'armour' we ditched most of our clothes that tied us to Britan, apart from a t-shirt or a scarf, something to remind korse that we got away, tormenting him.

His dracs found us after two weeks of stocking up, we got all we wanted by that point and ran to Spain to find some masks to hide our identitys and destroy any information they had on us, except the band name.

We stayed in Spain for a month, hideing in the country side that was untouched and unknown by BL/ind. preparing ourselves to run to California, specifically, Destroya Dessert. We needed the fabulous killjoys help but we needed to prepare ourselves for the worst.

"Damn it!!" Our drummer cried, "why can't I ever hit the target with my ray guns?!" She continued to scream like a banshee. "Hey, we should find the others to discus our new names, after we've done that I'll get one if them to help you whilst I find transport, again, k?" I said, persuading her to follow.

After hauling ass hunting down the rest of the band we all met up in the abandoned barn we we'r hiding out in and settled down a little, never dropping our guard for a second. "So names!" I said enthusiastically, "you guys decided yet?" To that our drummer said "Toxic Dinosaur." "Ok then toxic" I said, "I'll be...Twisted Blade." The others agreed with those names and now we we'r waiting on the other three.

After a while our bassist said "Neo Banshee?" I thought it was a good name so we agreed on that for him, now we we'r waiting on Toxics sister (our rhythmic guitarist) and my old friend (our lead guitarist and back up vocals). After waiting a good half hour, my old friend spoke up. "Assassinated Waste." He said in a monotone, I thought back to when we we'r kids, thinking that name was perfect for him. All of us turned our heads toward Toxics sister, half expecting her to say something, but she was the quiet one of the lot, so I sighed in a slightly tempered patience and just fell on my back, "take your time, you don't need to decide this right now." Me and Toxic said that, basically finishing each others scentences, all of us giggled slightly at that, and went to bed for the night.

When I woke in the morning it was just me in the barn, but I could hear Neo and waste helping Toxic and her sister with their shooting, they were the worst of us at that but they rivalled me when it came to hand to hand combat and blade skills. I basically just laid there on the barn floor for most of the morning till Toxics sister came in, her hazel hair matted and disheveled from training so long in the Spanish sun. "I came up with a name for me." She said in a whisper, so only I could hear, I shot up as soon as she said that. "and?" I said expectantly. "Plain Hater." She continued to whisper. I thought about it for a while, then I realised that the name was rather straight forward, she hated anything that was plain and boring, which explains the clothes she picked in Germany, it was bright red skinnies and and bright yellow lee cooper high tops, and a bright green single sleeved shirt with a poppy on the front, reminding of our country's history, she also had a bright blue denim

jacket which had a rainbow on the back.

After what was probably five seconds Toxic barged in her ginger hair matted the same way plains was, panting. "Their here!" Was all she could say before Neo and Waste stormed in grabbing their masks and ran out again ready to kill. I picked up my helmet and goggles, pulling them down over my eyes. "Let's go kill some dracs!" I giggled, picking up all of my knifes and my two ray guns, dashing out, not waiting for them to catch up and started shooting some of the dracs that came on to our land.

They weren't going to last long.

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