Chapter 10 - WOO!!! Double digits!!!

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~Fun ghouls P.O.V~

Those eyes. Those beautiful, beautiful eyes. I honestly thought that they couldn't get any more gorgeous. But i was wrong, so very wrong. And i couldn't be more happy the fact i was, and i usually hate being wrong.

And it wasn't just the eyes the held me captive in his arms right now. It was the hair, the face, the way he smelled (and for some reason he always smells like coffee and cigarettes, and they're harder to get than coffee). I could go on, but the list would take the better part of my life to complete.

His head was leaning down a little, and his eyes were closing ever so slightly, and i just noticed that i was doing the same, only going up instead of down, i never went down, everyone was always taller than me. our faces were so close now that i could feel his warm breath fanning my face, making me close my eyes all the way.

that was when he went in for the kill.

~Party Poisons P.O.V~

I finally did it!

I finally kissed him!

And it was amazing, the way our lips fit together perfectly, our fight for dominance even though we haven't got each others tongues in our mouths. And I was going to win this fight, and taste the glory that is fra......I mean Fun Ghoul!

I liked my tongue across his bottom lip, almost begging for entrance, to which he complied ever so gratefully. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and relished in his flavor. He tasted amazing, he gave up the fight for dominance and just surrendered, letting me taste him.

I pushed him back down on to the bed and straddled him. I pulled his jacket off and his shirt very quickly followed. We only broke the kiss to breath and to take of articles of clothing that go over the neck.


"Oh. My. Fuck." I said when we finished this little part of ours. Clothes were thrown across the room, Ghoul was panting hard, but still looked like he had enough energy left to do something."Preaching to the choir bro." he panted, hair and face slick with sweat, lips swollen and very pink. I felt an uncontrollable pull towards them, so i kissed him again. And he kissed me back.

We made out like that for god knows how long, until there was a knock at the door. My little bro popped his head through the opening in the door. Wait.........that was open?! Fuck. I mentally face palmed my self."um, you guys might want to close the door next time." he giggled. I gave him a death glare and went to get up to slap him, but he backed up a little and threw his hands up. "woah bro, don't wanna' see yo junk."

"Then bugger off!" he continued to back up and closed the door behind him.

"Oops." was all he had to say and i was back on him like we haven't seen each other in years.

*sorry this one is short as well, but i just couldnt think of anything to add on to it. oh well *shrugs* meh*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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