Chapter 6:

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Where was I? I had woken up on a couch in a strange room. I used my arms to push myself up so I could sit up and I felt an excruciating pain in my right shoulder, then I remembered everything. How Cayden had hurt me, how Jacob had rescued me and taken care of me. I must have dosed off while I was here and fallen asleep.

"Good morning, Sunshine." Sunshine? I looked over to see Jacob sitting down in a chair across from me. I doubt I was anything but sunshine.

"Hey." I replied stretching out my legs and sitting up (without using my right arm. It was going to take me some time to get used to that. Good thing I was left handed.)

" slept in." Jacob said matter of factly with a cup of...something in his hand. I couldn't tell what it was.

Well I wasn't surprised by what he had said. I wasn't a morning person, "What time is it?" I asked still sleepy. I laid back down on the couch and closed my eyes pretending it wasn't light outside.


"WHAT!?!!! It's ONE O'CLOCK already!!" I screamed jumping off of the couch, the blanket that was placed on me the night before fell. I also had forgotten for about the millionth time that I only had a bra on! I remembered how Jacob had taken the suit jacket off of me to check my shoulder and then I had fallen asleep.

Jacob looked at me for a second then turned away with bright red cheeks. At first I was confused then I realized why he had that reaction and I immediately pulled the jacket on, feeling very embarrassed. My cheeks too turned a crimson red.

"Um...I better go. Thank you so much Jacob. I don't know how I'll ever repay you. You were right all along and I was just so stupid and oblivious that I didn't listen to you and--"

"It's fine Avy. I just feel bad that this happened to you. I should have done more. I should have done something. This was exactly what I was afraid of and--"

"Jacob..." I took a step closer to him not really sure what I was doing, "Thank you."

He took a step closer. Closing the gap in between us. We were standing really close to each other and I felt a little uncomfortable. What was he doing? Was he leaning closer? Was I imagining it? "Um I should go." I proclaimed interupting whatever he was doing.

"Right...yeah you probably should." He replied sounding a little embarrassed and stepping away.

He brought me to the door, "I'll drive you home. Your car isn't here and I'm not going to make you walk."

"Are you sure. This is just adding to the pile of debts I'm going to have to repay you with."

"Oh please. You don't owe me anything."

"Are you kidding me? First you warn me about this crazy phsyco person that I shouldn't date and I don't listen to you, then you save me from this phsyco person who you warned me about, take me to your house, take care of me, and now you drive me home and you say I don't owe you anything!" I exclaimed as we walked out to his car in the driveway.

"That is true." He said with a playful voice and a smirk as if he was thinking of something. Oh great. Now he was going to plan something for me to do and I didn't want to know what it was going to be.

"Yeah? What would you have me do?" I didn't like where this was going.

"Kiss me." He demanded.

"What?! I am not going to kiss YOU!" I said emphasizing the you.

"Ouch, that hurt Avy, but you owe me." He said with a big frown on his face with big, green puppy eyes.

"Fine. Let's make it quick." He was right. I guess I would have to kiss him. He had a smirk on his face. I just rolled my eyes.

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