Chapter 13:

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"You look lovely my lady," Jacob stated when I walked downstairs into his kitchen. He said that I could borrow one of his sister's dresses. She had left some behind when she left for college apperantly. I had picked out a red coral color dress with lace that laid in the middle of my thigh. Yeah it was a little short, but it looked great on me.

"Why thank you sir." I said placing my hand in his extended one. He kneeled down and kissed the top of my hand like a real gentlemen. This action reminded me of my dad. He would always do that to me and treat me like a princess, well at least when I was younger.

"What did I do?"


"You look sad." Jacob explained.

"'s just that...that reminded me of my dad. He would always do that to me." I recalled sadly.

"Oh...I'm your father..."

" He left me, Bryan and my mom when I was eight. I never really understood why. I've tried talking to my mom about it, but she always just changes the subject. I just wish I could know the truth."

"I'm so sorry Avy." He wrapped me in a hug. He squeezed tightly before letting me go.

"It's fine. I just try and forget about it...Come on, let's go to that party."


"What's next? Tea and crumpets and a British accent? No offense Liz, but this is the lamest party ever!"

"This one isn't even the worst." Liz said scrunching up her face probably recalling more boring parties her father has had.

"I say we ditch the party and go to a real one." Fabio said in a British accent which made all of us laugh.

"Yeah let's get out of here. My dad probably won't even notice that we're gone." Liz proclaimed grabbing a jacket from the hanger.

"Now, that's what I'm talking about!" Fabio exclaimed.

Jacob gave me a weird look and I just shrugged. I had some pretty weird friends sometimes...okay maybe like all the time.


"This was the best idea ever!" Liz cried with her hands up in the air dancing.

"Yeah! Good idea Fabio!" Ella tried to scream over the music.

This was not a good idea, I thought to myself, but it was really fun. At this point I actually didn't really care. After everything that had happened I really just wanted to party and have fun.

We crashed a wedding. Yes, I know you're probably shocked and wondering how we even did it. I honestly have no idea. Fabio took care of it he said. I just wanted to have a good time.

I may have not been athletic, but I could dance. Not as good as Ella, but I did like it. Ella said that I should try out for the team, but I never really wanted to. I just liked to party dance, not like for a sport kind of dance, but Ella said that I would be the best on the team, even better than her. I don't know if I believed that, but I did love to dance.

And to my surprise Jacob was also an amazing dancer. He was one hell of a partier. I never knew that about him. He didn't really seem like a guy who would party all the time and stuff, but I guess there's a lot more than to what meets the eye.

Jacob danced over to me grabbed my hand, immediately spinning me around.

I was shocked at at first and didn't really do anything and almost fell over because I didn't move my feet. What was wrong with me?

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