Chapter 3:

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"What's wrong with your face?" I immediately ask Jacob as he sat down next to me.

"I fell down the stairs." He mumbled.

"You got a black eye and all scraped up from falling down the stairs?" I say sounding a little more annoyed than I wanted to let on. I turned away when I realized how mean I had sounded.

"Yes now please drop it!" Now who was sounding annoyed? I was at first mad at him for not telling me, but then my anger turned to worry. What could have happened that he couldn't tell me about? I couldn't concentrate the whole Chemistry class because I was worried about Jacob. Geez since when was I so worried about Jacob. He was all that was on my mind, until Cayden walked up to me after class.

"Hey Avy..." he greated me sounding a little nervous, "Um... hey I was wondering if you wanted to go to my little sister's dance recital with me. It's not really my thing so it would be a lot better if you could come."

Was he asking me on a date!? Well not really. It was just his sister's dance recital and he wanted me to keep him company. I was still ecstatic, but I tried to keep my cool, "Um y-yeah. I'd love to! When is it?"

"Tomorrow. Please tell me you can come." he pleaded.

Cayden Olson wanted me out of everyone here to come with him to his sister's dance recital! "Of course I can come. Looking forward to it!"

"Oh thank God, I thought I would have to sit through it all by myself. Thanks Avy, this is really a big favor. I really appreciate it."

"Oh no problem at all. I'll see you later then." I said with a lot of pep and excitement.

"Alright. See you."

Wow......I can't believe that just happened! I, Aviana Walker, was going on a date with Cayden Olson. At least in my head I considered it a date. Some people wouldn't consider this an accomplishment, but I certainly did.

I met up with Jacob for my second class, History.

"What took you so long?" He asked me.

"I was just talking to Cayden. He wants me to go to his sister's dance recital with him!" I tried to say nonchalantly, without succeeding.

"What!? Cayden Olson!?" he nearly screamed at me with fury. What was his problem he should be happy for me! "You can't go anywhere with him! Avy he's a bad guy. You shouldn't go messing around with him! He'll hurt you..." then he mumbled something under his breathe that sounded like, "like he did to me." but that couldn't have been it. If he had said that, that wouldn't have made sense at all. Geez how did these two know each other and why did they hate each other so much?

"What, how would you know anything about Cayden!?" I screamed back at him. I needed to know how these two knew each other. What had happened in their past that made them despise each other this much?

"I know more than you do! That's for sure! Avy it's just a set up! You can't go with him! Trust me I know!" Where did he get the nerve talking to me like that!

"Well I do know him and I'm going if you like it or not!" I stomped away into our History classroom. He couldn't just go and talk to me like that! We seemed to be getting along perfectly until Cayden was brought into the picture. Then they started hating each other or for all I knew continue hating each other.

I didn't want to deal with Jacob right then. He always got mad whenever I mentioned the name Cayden! What was his problem? I didn't want him to ruin the good mood I was already in from my talk with Cayden. Looks like it was too late.

Lunch came around and Jacob and I avoided each other whenever we could.

"So what's up with you and Jacob? You guys seemed fine this morning and now you're totally avoiding each other!" Ella observed. Why did everything have to evolve around me.

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