Chapter 7:

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"Eh. It was ok." What was I doing?! I couldn't lie to my friends! "I don't really think he's the right guy for me." Ugh what had I gotten myself into?! Why couldn't I just tell them the truth?

"WHAT!?" Both of my friends screamed totally surprised by my words.

"But, this has been your dream ever since the beginning of freshman year! How could you just give up on him that easily! You only had one date for crying out loud!" Ella complained upset about my news.

"Exactly my point." I said under my breathe.

"What was that?" Liz asked me.

"Oh nothing. So enough about me. What about you guys?"

"Did you guys kiss yet?" Liz asked me. I could tell that her happy mood was ruined by my bad news, but she was just trying to lighten the mood. More of like her mood, not mine.

"Can we please not talk about me. Please." I begged them. I know it will be no use though.

"They soooo kissed!" Liz squealed with Ella. Now they were going to press for details.

"So...why don't you think he's the right guy for you?" Ella asked once again.

By now I was kind of getting mad and all my hurt and pain turned into anger and rage, "Maybe because a REAL boyfriend wouldn't pressure you into having sex! Maybe because a real boyfriend wouldn't hurt you and slam you into a wall! Maybe because Cayden is a total ass and only cares about himself!!!" I was breathing heavily and Ella and Liz looked at me like I was a ticking time bomb just waiting to blow up. Wait I already had blown up. I didn't mean to say all that, but I was just so mad! I had had a crush on Cayden ever since the beginning of freshman year. I always defended him and thought he was this amazing guy, when really he was a total jackass! I couldn't believe I had actually liked him! I hate him so much! At least now I did.

"..................Um...................he did those things to you?" Ella asked me trying to speak sweetly as to try and not cause another explosion.

"Yes." I quietly said trying to keep the tears at bay. I tucked in my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them trying to be as small as possible.

"Oh my god Avy! That's horrible! I can't believe he did that to you?! How did he hurt you? Are you ok?" Liz asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." I sniffled.

"Avy...I'm so sorry. I had no idea." Ella explained. She walked over and gave me a hug, "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked me.

"No." I responded quickly.


I could tell Liz and Ella weren't really sure what to do in this situation. Well I wasn't either. I wasn't looking forward to seeing Cayden on Tuesday for school or ever again. At least I didn't have to see him Monday because we had a council day, therefore we had the day off.

"Can we watch a movie or something?" I asked. I just wanted to be distracted from everything that was going on with me and Cayden.

"Of course!" They both shot out of their sitting positions to go get a movie. I was grateful I had such good friends.


"Are you ok?" Jacob asked me when I walked up to Glenbard High.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just not looking forward to today."

"I'll be here for you. Okay?" He wanted to make sure I knew, but I already did. After what he did for me Friday night, I knew I could trust him.

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