Chapter 16:

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"Do you think she'll be okay? I mean what was she doing up out of bed anyway?"

"I don't know?"

"Fabio? Ella? Liz?" Why did I have to great everyone like this. Sitting in a hospital bed with them waking me up with their conversations about me.

I saw all of their faces light up when I noticed them, "You're awake!" They all almost simultaneously said. Geez it's like everyone planned to great me with 'You're awake!'. That made me think: How much had I been sleeping? Then I realized that my left eye wasn't covered anymore. Yay! Now I could see with both my eyes. Well more like one and a half really. I could tell that it was a little swollen and stuff still. But at least I didn't have that bandage over my face.

"Guys, wait what happened?" I remembered when I had went to go search for Jacob, but then I don't remember anything. So basically I don't remember anything.

"Well, I was coming to visit you and I find you passed out on the floor. Don't worry though, you were checked out and stuff so you're all good.........okay that came out wrong! I meant something completely different!" We all laughed at Fabio's perverted joke that wasn't even supposed to be a joke. It was fun to laugh with my friends again. I missed that, but where was Zyon? The last thing I remember was him leaving to go get me something to drink. But at this point, my memory wasn't exactly reliable.

"Fabio, you always manage to make something that's completely harmless into something so perverted. It's disgusting." Liz complained scrunching her nose at the thought.

"Why thank you Liz, I take that as a complement."

"Your not welcome." She replied. Were they flirting? I think they were. Haha! That's so cute! I decided not to say anything though. I didn't want to open a can of worms and then have them arguing. Oh, but that would be even cuter! A little lover's quarrel! Okay, I was going way over board with this. They were barely even flirting!........Aww, but they would be so cute together! Okay..anyway....

"Where's Zyon?" I asked wondering.

"I don't know. I think he was going to go get something to eat. He's been here for like three days straight. This place is like his second home. If I didn't come give him stuff to eat he probably wouldn't." Fabio explained.

I was completely shocked by his words. Fabio acted like it was totally normal, Liz was just staring at Fabio probably totally oblivious to this conversation, and Ella was smirking at me. I couldn't believe this! Zyon actually had stayed here for three days straight! Wow. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Ella was probably right.

That was so sweet of him. I don't really know why, but this thought really comforted me. It was nice to actually be loved by someone. Someone who saved your life and also risking theirs to do it. Someone willing to live in a hospital for three days straight for you.

Although this thought immediately made me feel guilty because I knew I couldn't return those feelings. I couldn't lead him on, that would just be evil. But it did feel good to be loved. Like actually loved by somebody. Yes Bryan and my mom both loved me but, it wasn't the same. They were my family.

"Avy, you okay? You're facial expressions are kind of freaking me out." Fabio proclaimed looking at me like he had seen a ghost. I must have been making weird faces when I was thinking. I always made funny faces when I was deep in thought.

"Oh, sorry must be the medication I'm on or something." I blamed. I did feel really tired. Did the medication I'm on make me tired? Because it sure seemed like it. I felt like I was tired all the time! I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off.

But right before I fell asleep a thought just occured to me: Where was Bryan? I hadn't seen him yet. I wanted to see him. I opened my eyes and it kind of scared me, but Bryan was sitting there with his face in his hands. What are the odds of that. It's like I could sense his presence and I knew he was there. Weird.

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