Chapter 4:

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"Wow, you sure seem giddy today," Fabio observed when I met up with my friends before first period.

I hadn't realized I had been smiling like a maniac ever since I had my "date" with Cayden. No wonder Bryan was giving me weird looks. But when my glance landed on Jacob, my smile immediately turned to a frown. When his eyes met mine he gave me a questioning look. Then I realized I was glaring at him and I didn't really know why I was doing that. I guess it was from the argument yesterday.

"Well somebody had a major mood swing." Zyon observed when he saw my face.

I ignored Zyon and approached Jacob thinking maybe I could try and figure out more about how he knows Cayden and their history together, "Hey Jacob."

"Hey." he said to me with a disapproving face, "So..."

"So what?"

"So how was your date with Cayden, his sister's dance recital?"

I was a little shocked by his statement, "First of all, it wasn't a date and second the recital was cancled." I stated nonchalantly.

"I know."

"You know what?"

"That you didn't go to the dance recital. I told you, it was a set up. There was never a dance recital at all."

"What are you talking about? The dance recital was canceled. I heard him on the phone. It was canceled. And why do you hate Cayden so much? You and I were getting along fine until I mentioned the name Cayden," Again, just like I had said, his eyebrows furrowed and he glared when I mentioned his name, "See like that! I said his name and you glared at me! Why do you two hate each other so much!?"

"What, I did not glare when you said his name!" He argued.

"You so did!" We were bickering like little kids! "But seriously, why do you two hate each other. I want to stay friends with you, but I also want to go out with Cayden, but I do--."

"What?! You're going out with Cayden!?"

"Yes, and I don't think that'll wo--."

"Wait you mean to tell me that you're actually dating that bastard!?"

"Yes, pay attention! But seriously I want to remain friends, but I don't think that that is possible until you tell me what is going on with you two! If I go out with Cayden you will hate me for some reason that I don't even know!"

"You do know! That guy is a bastard and a player!"

That's when I got a thought, "You're jealous! That's why you don't want me to go out with him isn't it?!"

"What?! NO! I am NOT jealous!"

I just laughed at this, "Then what is it, if it's not jealously?" I chuckled. He was totally acting like a jealous boyfriend.

"Fine, come and talk to me again after your date with Cayden. Come and tell me again how much Cayden is a good guy and how I must be so jealous just wanting to keep my friend safe."

I was shocked by his response, "What is that supposed to mean? Cayden is a good guy! And you don't know anything about him at all!"

"Oh really? Come and tell me that after your date!"

"Fine! I will and you're going to regret saying that." I snarkily said with a smirk. Cayden is a good guy and he has been nothing but kind to me. He'll see.

"Alright, just don't come to me when he dumps you."

Once again I was completely shocked by his words and my jaw dropped a little when he said that, "What?! He is not going to dump me! He likes me! Besides you would know that if you actually took the time to get to know him!" I shot back.

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