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After one hour, the boy stopped glowing and his skin came back to normal from blue. "Hello my name is Yoongi" he said successfully in korean. He looked at hoseok and gave him a gummy smile.

Hoseok woke up as he heard Yoongi's voice. He sat up and pushed yoongi's hand away. "So now you are finally speaking!" He stood up and walked closer to the boy.

"What did you do to me ? How did I fell asleep?" Hoseok asked confused. The boy remained silent.

He grabbed his collar. "How did you come inside ?"
"Door..." Yoongi tilted his head and smiled.
"F*ck! No kidding here! My mood is already off. Give me proper answer of I will f*cking smash your head" hoseok yelled but no use.

"Why did you come here? You seem like a thief" hoseok yelled again.

"Needed home" Yoongi spoke as his eyes scanned the kitchen and stopped when he spotted a banana on table.

"What about your parents?"

But Yoongi didn't answer. Rather he ran to grab the banana. As hoseok saw where Yoongi was going he looked at the direction. There was his cellphone and wallet beside the banana. Hoseok thought yoongi wanted to steal that so he ran too.

Yoongi grabbed the banana and hoseok grabbed yoongi's tiny waist. Hoseok hugged his from behind, holding him at one place while Yoongi hugged the banana to his chest. He thought Hoseok wanted to take it from him.

Hoseok turned the boy forcefully. "What have you taken? Show me!" He snached his hands open and saw a banana!

"A banana?" Hoseok asked in surprise.

"Food! Banana!" Yoongi spoke and took the banana back. He quickly opened it and started eating. Seeing that Hoseok sighed. He thought the boy was thief but boy looked innocent.

"Are you hungry?" Hoseok didn't even know why he asked. But he thought it was cute how Yoongi nodded as yes, his puppy eyes throwing pity gaze.

Hoseok originally was going to skip the meal and was going to sleep directly as his body was still in pain because of beating. But for Yoongi he decided to cook. He didn't know why he was feeding the unknown boy, who seemed to sneaked into house and should be handed over to the security. But boy was too cute to throw out. Besides hoseok really needed a company. He was miserable as Taehyung broke up with him and he was missing him. Honestly he was missing any human touch of caring and love.

He cooked ramen as it was easiest option. He put it equally in two bowls. Yoongi had eaten the banana and then he carefully watched the later cooking, like he was seeing it for first time. He even clapped his hands together when ramen cooker beeped.

Hoseok found it extremely odd but he let it go. He put bowl in front of Yoongi and sat across him. He held his chopsticks and was about to eat but stopped as he heard the noises. Yoongi has started to eat the ramen by his hands and was stuffing his mouth with bigger than needed bite.

"What the hell are you doing? Don't you know what to eat?" Hoseok asked shocked.
The other boy looked embarrassed as he chew the noodles. "Umm..I never...tasted...this" he spoke softly as he pointed at ramen. At this point Hoseok thought yoongi was kidding. Who on the earth never tasted ramen? Correction, who in korean not tasted ramen?

"Really? What did you use to eat? Where were you leaving?"

"Sunlight. Infired plaza" the boy blurred out some words which Hoseok didn't understand at all. He sighed loudly as he sat up from his place and walked towards Yoongi. He softly picked the fork and held in yoongi's small hand. Then he put it in ramen and rolled it showing Yoongi how to eat. Hoseok thought teaching the chopsticks than fork will be more difficult. Yoongi looked quite surprised but quickly learned it.

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