What Am I Going To Do With You?

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~Hi here's a double update because you guys kept asking for one sorry if it sucks but yeah ily~

*Pete's POV*

Dammit it's late. My interview was pushed back by an hour and I've been stuck in traffic all night. I'm just excited to get back home and sleep the busy day off.


I unlock the door to find Hemingway running full speed at me. I go down on my knees and play with the bulldog.

"Heeeeeey buddy! What's up?!" He growls as a response when I take the chew toy from his mouth. "Go get it boy!" I threw the toy across the house, all the way to the kitchen.

While I'm walking to catch up to Hemmy again, I stop and see Patrick curled up on the couch. Aww, he must've been waiting for me to get home.

"Hey. Hey Patrick wake up." I said, slightly pushing his shoulder back and forth. He stirred and fluttered his eyes open. Then before I knew it he was on top of me.

"Hey hey hey hey hey hey Pete I missed you I missed you a lot!" Patrick told me in a high pitched voice. He wouldn't stop moving around and trying to kiss me.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what's going on?" That's when I smelled the alcohol in the house. Yep he got my booze. Yep. He's drunk. Goddammit.
"Patrick calm down, please!" I grabbed his arm and brought him to the kitchen. I had to get him some water before he had a terrible hangover. Who knows how long he's been like this.

I turn back around from the fridge with a glass in my hand to see Patrick on the floor, giggling. Yes. Giggling.

I sat down on the floor and put the full cup in his hands. "What are you giggling so much about?" I asked him, even starting to laugh a bit myself at his silliness.

He tried to talk but a bunch of gibberish spilt out of his mouth. I shushed him and encouraged the glass to his mouth. He happily gulped down the water and handed it back.

"Wait I never got to give you a welcome home kiss!" Once again, he was on top of me and probably trying to suck my face off against my own will. I was red and out of breath with all the laughter by the time he finally caught my cheek and kissed it while I still squirmed underneath.

"Now was that so hard?"


"I leave the room for one minute Patrick," I said while walking into the kitchen. "What do you- oh my god Patrick! Are you alright what happened?!" I ran over to see his hand all covered in blood. There was a knife on the ground that I remember leaving on the counter earlier to be washed.

"Owwwwww. Panda it hurrrrrrrts." Patrick whined. I grabbed a roll of paper towels and rushed him out to the car with me.

"Where are we going?" He said to me, holding the paper towels around his hand.

"To the emergency room," I said back, almost in an angry tone. I know he was drunk but how could he do that? "Oh" was all he replied with.


"Things seem to be alright now. He just missed a big vein in the hand which could've caused some severe damage. But unfortunately he cut himself pretty deep and needs to have about 3 stitches. We can put them in now if you'd like, or we can wait until the morning. The one problem is that he is very intoxicated and I need to do a blood alcohol test to see if it is low enough to do the operation."

I looked over to Patrick who was lying in the hospital bed with gauze all around his left hand.

"Yeah. We can do it tonight if possible please." I told Dr.Gilmore.

"I'll see what I can do." He picked up his clipboard and walked down the hall.

I stepped next to the bed and placed my hand on Patrick's

"Oh Trick. What have you gotten yourself into?"

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