Me and You (Pt. 1)

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*Patrick cuts hair* *Pete dyes and cuts hair* *Pete and Meagan have the baby* *Fob confirms new single* *Fob confirms sixth album* WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO US WE'RE ALL A WRECK

*Patrick's POV*

The whole morning I couldn't believe that I was getting married that day. I mean it kind of just dawns on you at some point like, "oh, I'm going to finally officially spend the rest of my life with my favorite person in the entire world." Yeah, that's exactly how I felt.

"Mmph, babe, we have to go get ready," I attempted to say against Pete's lips.

"But that means I can't see you until the ceremony," he responded inbetween kisses. I pulled away and cupped his face in my hands, speaking soft.

"I know, but it'll be worth it I promise. Go get ready. I love you." I pecked his nose and smiled, receiving a "Love you too" from Pete before he walked down the hall to his room.

I turned around, opening the door that led to my room and stepped in. Since there was really no bride at this wedding, Pete was getting ready with the groomsmen and I was getting ready with the bridesmaids, or technically "groomsmaids"...I guess.

As soon as I close the door, they all ran up to me in push me down in the chair in front of the mirror. It's not like I have a lot to be done, but my face and hair needed a little fixing up.

As the other girls already in their dresses started on their make up, My sister, Megan came over to me and put on a tiny bit of foundation, even after I told her she didn't have to. She fixed up my hair by combing through it a few times, and even straightening a few misplaced parts. I told her that wasn't necessary either for the fact that I still wanted to wear a fedora. My favorite one to be exact.

I have to admit being a guy is pretty easy. It took fifteen minutes at the most for Megan to do her job. The next thing I had to do was go off into the room next door to change into my tux that was hanging on the wall. It was a traditional black and white one, but with a bow tie instead. Pete said I looked a lot cuter with them and I couldn't resist.

After "suiting up" into the outfit that oddly wasn't a band shirt and skinny jeans, I stepped back into the room I was in before slowly, hoping not to walk in on one of the girls if they were fixing their dress or something. The door clicked and all of the attention was suddenly on me.

"Aww Patrick! You look so cute!" Sarah chimed. I thanked her and blushed. Then I looked down, the result being her running (or at least attempting to in heels) and giving me a hug. The "groomsmaids" went back to doing each other's hair and sharing the latest gossip about who knows what.

I sat back on the small couch that the venue provided in the dressing rooms and admired my friends and family that made up the female half of the bridal party. Or was it groom's party? Oh fuck I couldn't care less.

Pete and I weren't much of so called "fashionistas" so we let the girls go dress shopping to choose what they thought would look best, then just ran their ideas towards us for our opinions.

They chose a simple pale pink short dress with a small black ribbon belt around the waist. I have to say, when the girls showed me their first choice, I was in love. It fell very well into the theme also.

I couldn't help but smile at the girls in their dresses, they all looked so beautiful. I noticed I was starring when Hayley broke my unintentional focus.

"Patrick!" My head snapped up. "Stop! You're getting married!" She laughed and turned away. I realized I must've been, uhh, checking Hayley out...I didn't fucking mean to of course.


Halfway into our group conversation about how we needed to create a plan to get My Chemical Romance back together, my brother burst into the room and took my hand, dragging me out in the process.

"Sorry ladies, this meeting's going to be cut a little short!" Kevin said, shutting the door behind him and marching me in front of another. "So we have a little bit of a situation. Our plan didn't work out that well..." My questioning look resulted in him leading me into the room where my mother and future mother-in-law sat.

"Oh Patrick!" My mom exclaimed, jumping up and hugging me in my confused state. She pulled away after a moment and spoke. "Even though I'm not very happy with your choices..." She drifted off and swallowed, obviously irritated, "I decided I need to be here for you today....Unfortunately your father didn't feel the same."

I nodded, knowing that my dad probably hated me for marrying a man, but who cares? I love Pete and nothing would stop me.

"It's the same way for me and Peter," Pete's mom said, standing up also. "But after your mother and I spoke, we realized that you two need us here today, regardless of our opinions. And we've decided to walk you down the isle, if that's alright with you." My eyes welled with tears and I nodded again, that time more apparent. We shared a big hug and I let a tear fall for the fact that my mothers were doing this for us.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't convince Dad to come Patrick, he just wouldn't budge." Kevin laid a hand on my shoulder from behind. I immediately spun around and engulfed him in a hug.

"No. This is wonderful. Thank you so much for convincing them to come. It means a lot." I pulled away and stepped back, facing the three of them.

"Well," my brother stated,

"It's time for you to get married."

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