A Little Less Food Poisoning A Little More Kill Me Now

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I awoke in a fit of sweats and stomach cramps. My head was spinning and pounding like the beat of a drum. I involuntarily moaned in pain and woke up Patrick who was curled up next to me.

I winced because it looked like some of my sweat got on to him, and the fact the I literally felt like I was going to die. Patrick opened his eyes and immediately shot up in horror.

"Pete oh my god! Are you okay? You're laying in a pool of sweat and you're burning up!" He felt my forehead with the back of his hand and immediately flinched. I could tell something was seriously wrong here. "Oh god." He stated. "We need to get you to the bathroom." I'm glad he suggested that, because once we got there, I emptied my entire stomach into the toilet.

That's basically how the morning and afternoon went. I laid on the couch with a pounding headache and dripping with sweat until I had to sprint to the bathroom to puke again. It wasn't until later in the day that Patrick found a possible diagnoses.

"I believe you have something called Clostridium Perfringens?" He struggled to pronounce the long title. "It says here, the 3rd most common type of food poisoning. It is caused when food is consumed after it had not been prepared correctly or cooled long enough. Pete, didn't I tell you not to eat the chicken from last night? You left it out too long!" I barely worked out a shrug. There was absolutely no energy left in my body.

I curled the blanket up around me to see if the new position would ease the pain. Patrick stood up and kneeled in front of me. "Aww, poor baby." He kissed my forehead and stroked my hair slowly. "I'm going to call the doctor and see what he can do. Try and get some sleep though, you need it." I nodded and closed my eyes. I felt his lips on my forehead once again before he got up to speak with the person that could've hopefully gotten me out of that hell.

I must've (thankfully) fallen asleep because the darkness soon faded away by the sight of a glass of water near my face. Patrick crouched down to my level and spoke softly.

"You have an appointment with the doctor in about 2 hours. He said you need to stay very hydrated because it'll make you even more sick if you don't." I flinched away from the drink knowing that my stomach couldn't hold anything down.

"Peeeeeete" he moaned. "You need to drink it whether you like it or not!" I shook my head like a grumpy two year old and refused. "Please Petey? For meeee?" He stuck out his bottom lip and I couldn't object anymore.


"Well Patrick, you seem to be right on this one. Pete has a mild case of Clostridium Perfringens. Luckily it doesn't last for more than 24 to 36 hours. I'm going to give Pete a prescription for some medication that you can pick up on your way home. It will basically be an antibiotic mixed with a fever reduced and pain killer. He'll take it every four hours and hopefully that should do the trick!" Patrick thanked Dr. Brightside and I got off the examination table to leave. Luckily throughout that whole trip I didn't puke at all, and I had liked to keep it that way.

Once settled in the car, Patrick put one hand on the wheel and the other in mine. He looked over to me and asked if I was alright. I nodded, just hopeful to get home after picking up the probably dreadful tasting medicine. My stomach still turned, I was always sweating, and my head still hurt like hell. Also not to mention the body aches and pains.

I know that the doctor said I should be better within a day or two, but I was worried that I'd be sore and energy deprived for at least a week. The wedding was in less than a month and I rathered not to get sick with my weak immune system.


Fortunately the medicine started doing the job...about 12 hours later. And by doing the job I mean being able to finally walk without being hunched over like an old man. I could also look at a screen for the first time without getting immense head trauma. That part was nice because I got a chance to read all the tweets and headlines about our future marriage.

"Rock star Pete Wentz proposes to his boyfriend, Patrick Stump on Christmas morning"

"The members of Fall Out Boy never cease to impress us, especially now that the lead singer and bassist are engaged"

"Click here to read Patrick Stump's tweet allegedly announcing his marriage with Pete Wentz"

And of course my favorite,

"Hearing those sleigh bells ringing? More like fangirls screaming"

I smiled, reading the supportive tweets and messages coming from fans all around the world. Even though I would come across one or two that had the content of either "fag" or "not a fan anymore because of this" I've come quite accustomed to the hate and things like that don't phase me anymore. I was just glad to see people are happy for us, even though my stomach still hurt like fuck.

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