Towel Girl- Eijirou Kirishima

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Author's note: First things first, thank you so much for the 65 total readers I've had with this story, I never thought I'd get this much attention! I appreciate your time reading my little pieces, and I'd really appreciate comments, suggestions, and criticism. Every time I log in and see new views, I get so excited and even more motivated to keep writing for you guys! My writing is inconsistent (I don't post regularly) but I really do try to keep up! As of right now, I'm considering rewriting this (as a version 2.0) as a lemon, but the fluff calls to me. Let me know what you think!

The curtains were left wide open, windows cracked to let the cool air from outside flow through, and you were alone in the apartment trying to straighten up. It was rare you had a day off, so the apartment wasn't in top condition and you definitely had your work cut out for you. Even so, you smiled brightly while dancing to some music and washing the laundry. It would be a while before the load full of towels would finish drying, so you sat on the couch. 

Normally, you would never be alone doing the cleaning; you shared the apartment with Eijirou Kirishima, and he would never allow you to clean by yourself if he had been there. He was out training, however, and you thought it might be a nice surprise for him to come home to a clean apartment. 

Your heart thumped loudly in your chest and you let out a sigh thinking about the handsome redhead and the stunning smile that would grace his features when he saw how hard you had been working. To be fair, you really had been working hard, and the brief reprieve from doing the chores while sitting on the couch was enough for you to realize just how tired you were. 

The leaves outside shifted on the branches as a breeze snuck through the crack in the window and cooled your skin. You really should get up and finish the chores, but the couch had never been more comfortable than in that moment...

The gentle sound of water on tile was enough to wake you from your comfortable sleep. Kirishima! He must be home already from training. You sat up groggily, feeling like you had forgotten something. You wondered if he noticed how clean the apartment was, or maybe he'd really like the clean towels after he finished showering. The towels! You had fallen asleep before the towels had finished in the dryer and hadn't replaced them in the bathroom yet. Knowing Kirishima, you knew he probably hadn't even noticed the empty towel rack before getting in. 

Okay, you could just sneak the towel onto the rack before he got out of the shower. That way you wouldn't have any awkward incidences with a completely naked, glistening- No, stop it. Focus on the towels. You gently opened the door, freshly fluffed towel draped over your arm, hoping he wouldn't hear you sneak in. Glancing at the fogged glass of the shower between you two, you could hear him humming while the water was still pounding. Good, you thought. He's still distracted. 

Just as you were about to put the towel on the rack and make your escape, the water was shut off. You froze. The door to the shower slid open and Kirishima came out, releasing a massive amount of steam with him. Instinctively, you moved the towel up to cover Kirishima's bottom half from view. 

"Huh? Y/N?" Kirishima seemed a little surprised to see you, but greeted you with a wide smile. "What are you doing?"

"I, uhm, well, I couldn't, and the... towel!" You shoved it in his direction. 

"Aw, thanks, Y/N! And it's a fresh one, too! You're seriously the sweetest." Seriously, was he really unfazed that he was completely naked? He grabbed the towel from you and immediately used it to ruffle his hair.

"Kirishima!" Your face was burning. Don't look down. Look away, that's the best thing you could do. Oh no, why did you look towards the mirror? At least the steam had left you two as blurred shapes and you couldn't make out much more than that.

You could feel him staring at you. "What's wrong, Y/N? Are you feeling sick?" He reached out a still wet hand to press against your forehead and cheeks. "You're burning up! Did you work too hard to clean this place up? You should have waited until I got back, you know I would have helped you."

You slapped your hands over your eyes. You've had a crush on him for longer than you could remember and had been meaning to tell him since you moved in together but had never found the right time. "Kirishima, please, I can't handle this, not that I don't want to, I just-"

He peeled your hands from your face. "What are you talking about? You're worrying me."

The towel had been draped over his muscular shoulders, still leaving his bottom half exposed. You couldn't handle it any more and accidentally snuck a peek to see- swim shorts. Kirishima was wearing black swim shorts decorated with bright red lines. 

"Oh thank God, you have shorts on," you breathed a huge sigh of relief. A little taken aback, he clenched his jaw.

"Y/N, did you think I was naked? Did you- I mean, do you not want to see me? I can put clothes on, I understand, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He looked so sad and surprisingly self-conscious. 

Damn it, you'd managed to hurt his feelings. "No, it's definitely not that! I just- wait. Who wears swim trunks in the shower?"

"Oh, well, I saw you sleeping on the couch and noticed the towels weren't dry yet," he ran his hands through his still damp hair. "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable when I went to get one, so I grabbed these before I went into the shower."

You looked up into his stunning red eyes. "You showered with your swim shorts on?"

His cheeks turned a charming shade of pink and he looked away. "I mean, not the whole time. But how unmanly would it be to just walk around without them and take you by surprise while you were sleeping? Totally uncool."

"Yeah, you're right," your face burned from embarrassment. As much as you were pleased he had been covered, you were also disappointed, and him talking about 'taking you by surprise' left your pulse racing.

"The apartment looks great, though, thank you so much!" His grin caused you to soften and relax. "Hey, since you did all this, let me cook dinner tonight, it's the least I can do!"

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