First Time (LEMON)- Todoroki Shouto

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Author's Note- Hello!! To celebrate ~100 readers (and to procrastinate on several important school assignments) I've decided to write (read: publish) my first lemon. As always, thank you for reading and supporting; please comment, correct grammar, and request things! Since you guys love Shouto so much (who doesn't?) and my other boys have gotten two one shots each, it's only fair; this one's for you, Peppermint Prince.

Shouto sat beside you on the floor of your apartment, snuggled up under the blankets. Your apartment was small, and you and your roommates hadn't agreed on a couch to furnish the place with. You were embarrassed and felt bad that the first time Shouto came over he'd have to sit with you on the floor, but he really didn't mind; honestly, he was just glad to be spending time with you. 

You turned your head to admire the handsome boy, still awestruck by his split hair and matching eyes. He was intensely watching some movie you had put on, leaning forward eagerly to absorb it, and you had the overwhelming urge to kiss him. A sweet little peck on his scarred cheek was enough to shock him out of the cinematic world and he smiled softly at you.

"Sorry, it's a really good movie." 

"That's okay, I'm glad you liked it. I'll try not to bother you so you can watch it." The entire time you two had been alone, you'd been exhibiting quite a bit of self control as your mind constantly returned to the idea of how he might look under those clothes.

"Bother me, what do you mean?"

Your cheeks reddened as you shrugged your shoulders. "I just think you're really handsome and it's hard to keep my hands off you, honestly."

Shouto grabbed your cheeks in his hands and forced his lips onto yours into a crushing kiss that took your breath away. "Well, I think you're really beautiful and I've been having the same problem."

His lips met yours once again as his tongue snuck out to lick your lips. You gladly let him enter, and your tongues swirled around each other as you moved from beside him to straddle his lap. Strong hands graced your hips and you two broke for air. Your hips moved against his, desperate for more. 

Shouto's lips met your neck, sucking the skin gently, until he parted them to leave a soft bite. "Shouto!" His name escaped your lips in a gasp.

He pulled away from you, just far enough to look you in the eyes. "Sorry, was that too much?"

"God, no, please do it again." You pulled him back into your arms, resuming your grinding. You could feel him hardened through his pants, and you wanted nothing more than to take them off and have him inside you. Soft lips left kisses and little bite marks all up and down your neck and your hands had woven their way into his soft hair; he bit down hard and you pulled his hair in return, forcing him to let out a little moan. 

Shouto stopped once again, and you briefly felt annoyed and frustrated, until he panted, "Maybe we should move this to your room?" Your eyes flashed with excitement. You'd wanted this all along, but Shouto was so sweet and romantic, it didn't feel right to just throw yourself at him. Still, he definitely wouldn't have minded, and he picked you up so he could continue kissing you as he carried you to your room.

Shutting the door behind him, Shouto placed you gently on the edge of your bed. "Y/n," he said, suddenly shy. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

You were a little taken aback. "Shouto, of course I want to." You'd wanted this for a very, very long time, but you weren't going to say that.

He stood awkwardly in front of you, not really meeting your gaze. "I just, I don't want you to feel pressured into this because of me. I want to do this, I just want to make sure you want to, too."

Grabbing his face in your hands, you met his lips in a long, passionate kiss. "Shouto, please, I want this. I want you."

A large grin broke out across his face. His kisses were greedier now, hungrier. His hands felt your breasts through your shirt and you helped guide them to take it off. Shouto paused for a second, staring a little too long, before breathily whispering, "Y/n, you're beautiful."

Kisses became fierce and he pushed you onto the bed, balanced over top of you. His hands felt rough and pleasant on your soft skin and you helped remove his shirt. Your eyes lapped up every inch of his gorgeous body, well-toned and flawless. Your heart pounded as he gently massaged your breast, hips placed between your thighs. 

"I love everything about you," you said. You'd practiced it in your head all week, little ways to tell him you loved him without actually saying the three words directly. 

He straightened and narrowed his eyes a little. "So, you're saying you love me?" Shit, was it that obvious that's what you were trying to say?

"No, I, uh, I mean, you- you're like the sun!" Wow, nice one, Y/N. The handsome man you're trying to sleep with is like a giant gaseous orb, yes, very romantic. 

Obviously, he was confused. "So, you're saying you have to love me?" Oh goodness, what have you done now?

"No! That's not it at all! It's just, you're amazing, and you're so handsome, and you're so very important to me and," you paused. Enough was enough. You were so nervous about saying it, even though you had been dating for a while, but you knew it was true. "Yes, I do love you."

His entire face lit up with happiness. Shouto's hand caressed your cheek. "Y/N, I love you too."

The few remaining articles of clothing were removed in a frenzy through hungry kisses, thrown across your room, and soon Shouto was slowly kissing down your thigh, closer to your nether region. His thumb was gently rolling your clit as your breath came out in ragged gasps. "Y/N, you're so, very beautiful," he said and his lips met your soft skin, suckling your hole. His tongue darted in and out, tasting you, making you mewl and moan. 

You started dripping cum, which he quickly lapped up. His tongue traced it's path back to your entrance, where he'd suck just enough to start it over again. He moved his tongue quickly, not letting you pause to breathe, until you grasped your bed sheets in tight fists.

"Shouto, please! I-I need you inside me!"

"Whatever you want, baby girl." His cock was at your entrance and you gasped with pleasure as you took his entire length. His cock felt amazing. He felt amazing. His hips moved back and forth, pulsating, rocking the bed with the sheer force of it. 

You grabbed Shouto's back, slightly damp from sweat, and dug your nails into his skin. The knot that had quickly worked it's way into your stomach was about to burst. Having his hot, throbbing cock inside you was more pleasure than you could handle, and even though you didn't want it to stop-

"Y/N, I'm going to-" Shouto's raspy voice was dripping with pleasure.

"Yeah, me t- nngh," you couldn't even reply as your cum spilled out onto the bed sheets, which was more than enough to send Shouto over the edge. He finished with a sexy little moan and collapsed onto your chest, snuggled between your breasts. 

"Y/N," Shouto panted after a few minutes. "You're amazing. I love you."

You wrapped your arms around him to hold him tightly. You smiled down at the sweaty tangled mess you two had become. "I love you, too."

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