The Right Rescue (Fantasy AU)- Shoji Mezo

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A request for (the incredibly patient)  EliseWolfsong  who has waited several months while I got my act together before I could finally write requests again. Thank you for requesting me and for you endless patience, I really do appreciate it!

You slipped through one of the shaded back alleys behind the busy front street that was lined with stalls, cloak flowing around your legs like a silken mist. Your footsteps were muted as the soft material on the soles of you boots absorbed much of the sound you would have made, and whispered a harsh question to your companion. 

"Are you sure it's this way?" You were answered only with a few chirps as a little sparrow flitted around your shoulders. "Fine, but if I get caught this is all on-" 

You inhaled sharply and narrowed your eyes at what lay sprawled out before you. A dilapidated caravan lay propped up against one of the building's walls and distressed animals wailed from within. A snarky whistle from your companion broke you out of your daze. 

"Okay, I get it, shut up." You snapped at the tiny creature who seemed pretty pleased with it's mission almost complete. "Keep watch," you pleaded, slipping out of your boots. Your form shuddered and faded, changing from a distinctly humanoid shape into something much less so. It felt as though cool water had drenched your entire form, dripping down from the top of your head until the chilled liquid had drenched every part of you, but this was expected. It was much more tolerable now that you had trained your shapeshifting abilities after years of practice. 

A sleek feline shape emerged from your pile of clothes and you kicked them behind some crates that were conveniently left outside with long back legs. Swiping a paw over one of your ears, you trained your newly transformed eyes back onto the caravan where cries of help were still flowing. 

"I'm coming," you said to yourself, promising their release.

Your sparrow friend had been a new companion who sought you out after losing their lifelong mate to a seedy animal dealer. You'd heard of this character before, a vile man who stole and abused animals to sell for exorbitant prices that never reflected how he treated his captured goods. It made you sick to your stomach and the whole ordeal truly left an uneasy feeling on your mind, almost like someone had been trailing behind and watching you.

You quickly padded up to the caravan and slipped through the cracked door, tail curling around the jamb, before the creatures inside recognized a new threat. 

"Please, get me out!" 

"My family, I need to find my family!"

"Where are my babies? Please, has anyone seen my babies?"

"Free us!"

"Relax, friends," you tried to say in a calming manner. "Please, I am here to help." Silence echoed among the shelves lined with too cramped and unkempt cages. "For now, I'm seeking a sparrow who has lost her mate."

A startled chirp from one of the higher shelves caught your attention. "My love! I knew he'd find me!" 

Disgruntled moans came from the other captives. "What about us?!" Several of them demanded.

You tried to regain control of the situation. "Yes, please, I'll get to everyone. Please thank the sparrows for your escape once you have been freed, but for now I need-"

A shrill and panicked call from the backstreet caused you to snap your head around. "Silence, friends! Your captor returns!" Your eyes fell on a cage that held two other felines and a nimble paw swept out to undo the lock. They tried desperately to slip past you, but a quick swipe that landed on their soft foreheads was enough to sway them. "Not now, for now we wait." You slipped into the crate and manged to slam it shut as the door to the outside world swung open. 

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