On Your Side- Izuku Midoriya

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A request for the absolute sweetheart OtakuCrazeMass

I really hope you like it, I feel like it still needs some work... Also please wish me luck it's finals week and ya author is STRESSIN

Y/N sat in class impatiently, listening to class 1A's hero lesson's lecture drag on. Aizawa mumbled on at the head of the class and Y/N rested her head on her hand, staring dreamily at the object of her affection. He sat entranced, pencil furiously scratching against his note paper. He ran a free hand through a messy lock of green hair and Y/N felt her heart pound furiously. She gave a lovestruck sigh.

"All right," Aizawa sighed, hands shoved in his pockets. "I want you all to discuss the pros and cons of using a cape in your hero costume." He groaned. Capes were irrational and would only get in the way. Still, some of his students had chosen capes for their costumes and needed to understand the implications. "Go ahead and partner up. I want at least three paragraphs either arguing for or against them by lunch, understood?"

Y/N flew across the classroom at an incredible speed, knocking over a chair and pushing several desks out of the way to end the journey with a strong slap of her palms on Midoriya's desk. "Deku! Partner up with me!" Her eyes glinted furiously. Several classmates raised their eyes in shock; it wasn't like Y/N to be so brash. In fact, half of them were pretty sure they'd never heard her speak before.

"Huh?" Green eyes opened widely in surprise. "Oh,  Y/N, sure! I've got just the thing for this," Midoriya said, digging furiously through his backpack. His partner leaned forward expectantly. Pulling out one of his Campo notebooks that was brimming with notes on heroes, he flipped through a few pages, trying to find one in particular.

"So cons are kind of obvious, I guess," he started. "For one, villains can use the cape as a point to grab and contain a hero. Also, if their Quirk depends on mobility, having a heavy cape could slow them down, which would kind of negate the whole idea of their Quirk, wouldn't it? I guess the support companies could work out a lightweight cape, if that's the case, though. You can't really deny that capes have a way of inspiring people, though, I mean, All Might uses capes in several of his hero costumes. Maybe that has to count for something, but is it really enough to-"

Midoriya continued to mutter as his partner retained close to none of the information he decided to spout out. He was on another tangent, and Y/N couldn't have been more in love if she wanted to. As he rambled, Y/N found themselves leaning closer in until she could almost feel a strand of green tickling her cheek. 

"Hey, blob girl, shut that nerd up." Bakugo demanded, red eyes glaring holes into their target's uniform. 

"Bakugo, calm down, they're just talking about the assignment." Kirishima attempted to cool the anger flowing from the class's hot head. 

She turned around to face Bakugo, trying to return his glare but failing miserably. She dropped her gaze and played with her sleeves. "H-hey, he's just really passionate. It's not a bad thing."

"Yeah, well, I'm passionate about-"

"Enough." The alarming aura that completely encapsulated the room seeped off of Aizawa, whose floating scarf and acidic tone meant he was completely done with his students.

"Yes, Aizawa sensei." The class replied, taking their seats.

Sitting by herself at lunch, Y/N picked at the food on her plate. She felt sick thinking about how much of a scene she must have caused when she wanted to partner with Deku. Her cheeks burned furiously and she dropped her utensils to cover her cheeks. 

"H-hey, Y/N?" The intruding voice caused the girl to look up from her tray. She gave an involuntary squeak when her eyes met Midoriya's green ones. "I wanted to thank you for standing up for me earlier. I really appreciate it. Kacchan may seem like a complete jerk, and, well, he is, but I've just kind of gotten used to it at this point."

Y/N dropped her eyes, unable to verbalize acknowledgement. She pulled on her sleeves again, wishing she could just melt into herself. 

"A-Anyways, if it's okay with you, I wanted to see if I could sit with you at lunch today." Shyly looking up from her pit of misery, Y/N nodded. "Thanks!" Midoriya said, placing his tray down. He smiled so brightly Y/N had to look away for fear of losing her eye sight. 

"Do you usually sit alone, Y/N?" She nodded softly, her isolation suddenly making her feel very self-conscious. "Yeah, I used to sit alone, too. In middle school, I mean. It's not a bad thing, sometimes it's kinda nice." He straightened up his tray and lifted a mouthful of rice up to his lips. They ate in silence before Midoriya gasped.

"Y-Y/N! Your Quirk!" She glanced down in shock to realize her Quirk had activated in her anxiety. Thick, hideous globs of slime had started oozing from her skin as she melted into this amorphous shape. 

Midoriya leaned across the table and grabbed her hand earnestly. "So cool! Uh, I mean, you're okay, Y/N, just relax. Did I make you too nervous? I-I know it can be hard to control your Quirk. J-just look at me, it'll be okay!"

Y/N turned frightful eyes from their own form to look at the freckled face in front of her. Those cute little freckles made her heart melt and managed to make her body stop doing the same. She hardened back into one form as she stared intently into his face. 

"See! I told you you'd be fine!" He grinned, still holding her hand. She was entranced until she noticed a single grain of rice that had balanced itself perfectly on his nose. 

She leapt across the table, unable to contain her adoration, and held Midoriya tightly in her arms. "Deku, you're so cute!" She squealed. 

He was suddenly enveloped by an overwhelming softness. Oh my god, is this a girl's chest? This is so nice, he thought to himself. Oh my god, this is a girl's chest! Holy crap! "Ah! Y/N! W-We're in school!"

"Ah!" Y/N squealed again, this time in shock. "S-Sorry! I couldn't help it!" She pushed herself away from him and started busying herself cleaning the mess she'd made from throwing herself across the table.

"Get it, girl!" Mina called from across the lunchroom, waving her arm and giving a big thumbs up. Jirou and Momo nodded appreciatively, with light blushes on their cheeks, as Tohru's clothes that indicated her body seemed to mimic an excited jumping.

"Woah, is that really our Y/N? She always seemed so shy!" Ochako asked Iida, who was immediately disturbed.

His glasses glared angrily. "How could she do that in the lunchroom? Doesn't she know the school rules on affection?" 

Mineta and Denki, although not sitting together, equally felt a strong hatred for their green-haired classmate that was matched only by their envy.

"Tch," Bakugo angrily turned away from the scene. "What a group of nerds." He growled under his breath.

"Aw, come on, Bakugo, it was kinda sweet," Sero said, also feeling a pang of jealousy.

"Yeah, bro, look," Kirishima said, leaning over threateningly. "Sometimes you just can't help it!" His arms had enveloped the tempermental blond in a similar position, flattening his head to the more friendly one's chest.

"Kirishima! Get off me!" 

"Aw, Bakugo, don't be like that," the red-haired boy purred, gently petting his classmate's hair and ignoring the several explosions coming from his hands.

"I swear to God, I'll kill you!"

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