Author's Note

2.3K 21 6

Tldr: thanks for 3.5k, author apologizes for accidental hiatus, please take your medicine, new content coming soon (hopefully)

Hey everyone-
I'm not entirely sure what to say here so please excuse me if this doesn't sound like my normal notes.
First, I wanted to thank everyone so much for over 3.5k, that's honestly incredible! When I first started a few months ago I never thought I'd reach even 1k, so thank you so much for reading my little stories. I love comments and interacting with not only my readers but other authors who serve as a major source of inspiration and this site has done wonders for helping me with overcoming some of my social anxiety.
That being said, the start of my senior year at college has started and my mental health has taken a turn for the worse. I've lost my motivation to do basically anything besides my assignments and struggling through work. I've been forgetting my medicine too, which makes it so much worse.
In general I wanted to apologize to anyone who's requested or commented that hasn't received a response. I'm trying my best and I really don't want to stop writing this book because BNHA and all of you make my heart so happy. I promise I'll get to them as soon as I can, so please be patient with me.
For all of you, please take care of yourselves.
I promise I'll get to requests as soon as I can, so thank you for staying around.

Plus ultra,

Quick edit- since the time I posted this, my reads have shot up to 6k and I really want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for reading my stories. Thank you so much for taking your time and reading my little one shots, even if I'm horribly inconsistent with posting and sometimes my writing style is lacking. I will try to have another story posted by Thanksgiving (American, not Canadian, I've already missed that) but I appreciate your understanding and patience if that happens to fall through as well. 

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