Move On

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Steven was even more excited than Joe.  "Shit, c'mon, Joe!" he nearly yelled (still completely ignoring me), "let's go!  We're playing Madison Square fuckin' Garden!"

        They left finally and I laid down in bed with a book and mug of tea and started reading.  I was trying to get my mind off things and be transported into the magical world of fiction.


We stayed in New York until around four in the afternoon on the eleventh of May.  Four is when everyone was finally awake enough to be coherent.  Madison Square Garden was a pretty big deal to the guys (I don't think they remember playing it for Toys in the Attic last year), and they really partied hard.  Joe didn't even come back to the hotel that night.  It was okay, though, because it gave me more time clear my head.

        I, personally, was awake by nine.  I took a long shower, went down to breakfast, ate some soggy eggs (have I mentioned I absolutely love eggs?), then called Julia.  She was good, but tired.  She said that Joey didn't call last night and asked if everything was good.

        "He's called every night so far?" I asked, stunned.

      "Yeah, last night was the first time he didn't," Julia replied.  "Is everything okay?" she asked again.

        "Everything's great," I answered honestly.  Obviously, I wasn't including myself in the everything. "Last night they played a huge show.  It was a big deal.  They were just partying like crazy..."

        "I miss partying..."Julia said.  "Was it insane last night?"

        "I... I dunno.  I didn't go."  I bite my lower lip, ignoring the lump forming in my throat.  Stop being so emotional, goddammit!

        "Oh," she said with a yawn.  "Michael and Jessie say hi."

        I smile a watery, ridiculous smile.  "Hi."

        "Annie!" someone yells, running up behind me and receiving multiple dirty looks from all the old people around us.  "Who're you talking to?!  Gimme the phone right now... Shit, what time is– I don't care.  Gimme the fuckin' phone!"

        I laugh a little bit, telling Joey to wait a second.  "Julia... Your gentleman caller awaits."  She laughs joyfully.  "See ya later..."

        "Julia!" Joey says into the receiver.  "I'm so, so, so, so sorry I didn't call, you see me and the guys got all caught up in th–"

        Julia cut him off and his face flooded with relief.  I walked away with a little smile dangling from my lips, pleased that they're so happy together.

        I went back upstairs and packed up the suitcases, making it easier for the roadies, and shaking my head in shame when I notice the TV in the pool outside.

        Joe shuffled through the doorway from the bathroom, towel around his waist and hair dripping wet.  He glanced at me, I glanced back, and he continued over to the pair of clothes I left out of the suitcase for him.  He dressed quickly, shaking his hair out until it was all poofy and perfect-looking–

        Fuck... Stop it!

        Well, now or never...

       Joe sat down at the very foot of the bed.  He patted the space next to him, and when I didn't move (I was frozen), he sighed.  "Annie," he said quietly.  He took a long breath and I was almost certain he was only going to say my name and nothing more.

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