Chapter 3

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My ears were ringing with white noise as I stared blankly at the whiteboard ahead of me. It was now Wednesday, and I've done my best to avoid anything that has to do with the Dolan twins.

When I left Monday I got away with saying I was sick; continuing with the lie again Tuesday morning. This morning however, the school told me I'd need a doctors excuse so here I am. Back in hell being watched like a hawk by every person at this school.

"Y/n?" Trish's hesitant voice brought me out of my thoughts, "Class is over... Are you okay?"

She hasn't even done anything wrong, but I've been avoiding her as well. I glance up to make eye contact with the short girl. "Please just give me some space..."

With those words, I tossed my backpack over my shoulder before darting out of the empty classroom. I kept my head down as I made my way to my locker, and maybe I was just paranoid but it felt like someone was watching my every move.

I picked up the pace, but was stopped in my tracks by a hard surface colliding with my body. My phone fell to the ground along with a stack of textbooks and notebooks. "Whoa someone's in a hurry."

The deep, unfamiliar voice caused my stomach to do flips and when we made eye contact I could've sworn my heart stopped beating. Crystal clear blue eyes were staring back at me as I tried to keep my composure. "Shit I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it," Both of us bent down to grab the books causing our heads to collide. A hearty laugh escaped the boy causing my heart to skip a beat at the beautiful sound, "I've got it."

He quickly gathered the scattered books before handing my phone over, "Thanks."

My cheeks were hot as I glanced over the attractive boy, "I'm Colton my family just moved here."

"I was wondering why I haven't seen your face around here before," My response surprised me, "Where are you moving from?"

"Arizona." Now that answers why he's so tan, "Kind of a shitty way to begin senior year."

I shrug and glance around finding none other than Ethan Dolan watching our encounter, "Hopefully it won't be all that bad." I shake my head and shift my attention away from Ethan.

"Maybe not," A smirk forms on his lips and I bite my lip to hold in my giggle. "What's your next class?"

I groan at the thought, "AP chemistry with Hollerman. Also known as boredom central."

The attractive man in front of me glances at his schedule before smiling, "I'm in the same class. Care to lead the way?"

"The pleasure is all mine," I chuckle and begin leading the way. Feeling Ethan's glare burning into my back as Colton and I continued to get to know one another.

A yawn escaped my mouth as I walked out of my last class. My eyes widen when a hand grabs my elbow to pull me off into a janitor's closet. "Who the fuck?"

"What's going on with you and that guy?" The anger in Ethan's voice sent a shiver down my spine. The brown haired boy slammed my body against the door with his, and our faces were so close that I could feel his uneven breath.

"That's none of your business," I tried to push Ethan away which resulted in my arms being pinned down by his large hands. "Get off of me asshole."

"Still as feisty as ever," He smirks and leans his forehead against mine, "But I'm not leaving until I get answers."

My jaw clenched at his words. He wants answers? "What about me huh? You sat there for years making me think I was something special to you but now you're dating my best friend Ethan! What kind of person fucking does that?"

"I do that y/n," The words left his lips as if he's said them a thousand times before. For all I know he has said them to all of his other girls.... "You know how I am with girls."

"God Ethan just because everyone says you're the bad boy of the school doesn't mean you have to fulfill the title." My voice got lower by the end of my statement, but the look he was giving me never subsided.

Ethan took in a breath before stepping away from me. I slowly turned the door handle, waiting for the right second to make a run for it. "I hate that I can't stay away from you..."

"What?" My mind was racing as the boys walls cracked slightly. "Ethan I don't-"

"Please just go." For once I actually do what he says. This wasn't the Ethan Dolan I knew. He seemed to be crumbling from the inside out; how could I be expected to help?

I lightly shut the door behind myself before walking away from the confusing boy in the closet. Something was up, and I was determined to figure out what it is.

"Hey!" A newly familiar voice brought me out of my thoughts as I was about to exit the schools double doors.

"Colton hey!" My mood seemed to instantly brighten at the new face. I spent most of my day showing him around and introducing him to the small amount of clubs our school had to offer. Although, he seemed to be more interested in asking me questions. "What are you still doing here?"

"I had to go to the office for a meeting." What the hell kind of meeting could some high school student have in an office? Whatever.. today's already been weird enough.

I just nod and push the double doors open, "Do you have a car?"

"Yeah, no. My mom needed my car for errands today so I walked." I pierce my lips and glance around the almost abandoned parking lot until my eyes spotted a specific ginger leaning against Ethan's BMW. "You good there? You kind of zoned out."

She must have heard us talking because Gretchen turned and smirked at me with her arms crossed over her chest. I felt like shit since my former best friends practically used me. "Something just caught my attention. I'm good." I fake smile at Colton before turning to walk in the opposite direction of Ethan's car. "I can give you a ride if you want?"

"That would be much appreciated," Maybe it was best to just create new friendships at this point. I'll be gone in June anyways so what's the point in caring anymore? "You sure you're good? You would've been dead if that redheads glares could kill."

"It's just an old friend," I sigh and unlock my truck, "It's in the past at this point though..."

Thursday flew by and before I knew it Friday's classes were over once again. I haven't interacted with Ethan since Wednesday's encounter, and I was silently hoping it would continue to be this way tonight at the warehouse. "So what the hell is Fight Night?"

"Ah fresh meat," Trish sings as I unlock the truck and toss my bag in the backseat. She cornered me at my house Wednesday until I finally accepted her apology, but all in all I didn't regret bringing her back into my life. She has been my friend since Elementary school, and it would absolutely suck to lose her along with Gretchen and Jamie.

I chuckle at Colton's unfamiliarity with our schools traditions. It was like a freshman who came from a different feeder school than the rest of us. "Fight Night is this dumb thing guys participate in every Friday night."

"They basically just beat the shit out of each other," Trish adds while jumping into the back seat. "Are we just going straight to the warehouse or?"

"Do we need to make an order or are you good with what's left over from last week?" I glance at the curly haired girl through my rear view mirror. "I have enough Mike's to last me tonight. I'm not planning on getting drunk again. Plus I'm driving so I may not drink at all."

"Glad to hear that because I'm planning on getting fucked," Colton jokes, shooting a wink in my direction. My laughter is cut short by a knock on my passenger window.

A sheet of paper was pressed against it, and I felt the color drain from my face as I read the words.

'You've been challenged.'

Fight Night || Ethan Dolan AUWhere stories live. Discover now