Chapter 4

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I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about what would happen tonight. After the incident at school, Trish and I were on edge. Neither of us knew what to expect anymore, but Colton was unusually calm.

"Dude you're going to be killed!" Trish squealed, "It's your first week and you've already pissed someone off."

A groan escaped my mouth as I shift my truck into park, "We all know it's just Ethan. He doesn't want another guy to have my attention; it's not the first time-"

"This guy sounds like a prick, why do you give him the time of day?" Oh Colton, I ask myself the same question everyday.

Trish leans forward on my center console before turning towards Colton. "When you see the guy, you'll understand."

"I don't know Trish," He retorts with a smirk, "I've been with some pretty hot men in my day."

"Wait what?" My friend and I shout when we realize how Colton worded his statement. "Are you gay?"

A smile forms on the boys face, "It took you two long enough. I thought you would figure it out when I agreed to the face masks last night."

"Honestly," Trish started, "I just thought you were the perfect guy... damn it."

I chuckle at Trish's fake heartbreak before popping open my door, "Are we ready for this?" Colton and Trish nod before following my lead. Not many people were here since school just got out, but we figured it was best to introduce Colton to the warehouse before it got packed for the challenge later.

"So any other details you can give me on this Ethan kid?" Colton asks as he stuffs his hands in his jean pockets. Honestly, I didn't want to talk about Ethan anymore but Trish had other plans.

"He and his twin brother box for fun," She states before going into more details about the boy I can't get away from. I bite my lip and look down at the rips in my converse, I should really get new ones soon. "Y/n and Ethan had this sort of thing for the last two years, but it was never anything official. Mainly just fuc-"

I slapped my hand across her mouth causing a weird clicking noise to echo through the empty hallway. "Trish I don't think Colton cares to know about that stuff."

"Actually that's the main thing I was wondering about," Colton leans against the wall at his piercing blue eyes bore into mine, "Ethan seems to be into you so why didn't he ever make things official and why aren't you guys still, you know?"

Trish and I glance at each other, and the look she's giving me made my stomach plummet. I knew she'd tell him if I didn't, so better just get it over with. "Well things were... weird between Ethan and I. Freshman year I would pass him a lot in the hallways, but we never really talked until a party sophomore year. He just seemed different when we came back for school sophomore year; like something bad had happened."

"Did you two ever talk about it?" Colton asks instantly.

"No," I shake my head and clasp my hands together, "Ethan and I had this unspoken trust with one another. At the time I wasn't in the best place in life, and neither was he so we just kind of clicked I guess. We were using one another in a way."

Trish stared at me in confusion as the new story came to light. I never had the guts to tell her about what was happening in my mind sophomore year. She just knew that Ethan helped me kick my drinking problem. "Y/n?"

"Ethan may not seem like it when you first meet him, but deep down he's a great guy," I take in a deep breath, "He's helped me through a lot of bad times and I helped him along the way as well, but then he and Gray were sent to juvie. We ended on bad terms before he left, and I didn't even know he was back until Gretchen and Jamie said something last weekend."

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