Chapter 8

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I slammed the door to my beat up truck without making eye contact with anyone around me. "Thank god you're okay!" Trish's worried voice caught my attention, "Where were your Friday? You know-"

My shoulder shoves her aside as I continue towards my locker. Of course she only wants to talk about Fight Night; nothing is ever more important when it comes to this school. Colton was leaning against my locker with a smile on his face, "Finally escaped your cave?"

"I guess," I sigh and begin putting in my combination, "Have you seen Ethan today?"

A hand on my arm caused me to jump, "Sorry babe."

"Damn it Trish," My hand falls on my chest as I try to catch my breath, "Don't scare my like that."

Her dark eyes bore into mine, and I knew I was about to get it. My stomach churned and I bit my lip, "Where have you been? You didn't answer any of my texts this weekend."

"I haven't felt well," Which wasn't a complete lie. I had food poisoning Saturday and Sunday. "I just stayed in bed all weekend."

Trish's glare practically burned holes into my body, "I went to your house Friday after school and you weren't there."

"I had work," It didn't come out as convincing as I'd hoped though. My stomach twisted again and I knew I was going to be sick. Without another word, I darted around the two in hopes of reaching the restroom.

My knees dropped to the dirty concrete floor as my hands gripped the white ceramic toilet. It didn't take long for Trish to join me, pulling my hair back the best she could. "Hey calm down," Trish's voice was low as she rubbed circles on my back, "You're over exerting yourself. It's okay..."

"Ethan and I were together Friday," I whisper and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. "I went to find him at the warehouse and we ended up going back to his place..."

"Don't tell me you-"

I cut her off, "He told me he loves me."

"He what?" When I heard the bathroom door swing open, I quickly slapped my hand over Trish's mouth and locked the stall door. The two girls were murmuring at first, but progressively got louder.

"Ugh it smells like puke," Gretchen groaned as they walked up to the sinks, "I'm so glad I'm not going through that."

Jamie chuckles, "I just wish I could laugh at you becoming a balloon. What are you going to do when he realized you aren't actually pregnant?"

Trish and I glance at one another with wide eyes and I take my hand away. "I'll probably fake a miscarriage. I just can't believe it was that easy to make the test say a fake positive."

"What about y/n?" Jamie asked with a low voice, "You know how he feels about her. If the child is gone, he will be too."

Gretchen's body visibly tensed at her sisters words, "He won't want her once I'm done. Plus there are plenty of guys who have sperm I can use."

"And if the child looks nothing like Ethan? What then?" Jamie counters before taking a step back.

"Just shut up Jamie," Gretchen shouts, "I don't care what I have to do. Ethan will be mine and she won't win."

The door swung open again causing the two to go silent before walking out of the bathroom completely. "I knew she was crazy, but not THAT crazy."

"I have to find Ethan," Trish nods in agreement as we unlock the stall.

He was the only thing on my mind as I forced myself through the school day. Gretchen wasn't pregnant, well at least not yet. Either way it won't be Ethan's...

Somehow I made it through the day of glared and murmurs throughout the hallways. As soon as the last bell rang I sprinted out of class in hopes of finding the brunette. I was almost out the door when something hard collided with my body causing me to fall to the ground.

"Shit y/n," Grayson's voice was soft as he leaned down to help me up, "Where are you off to in such a rush?"

I shake my head and groan, "To save your fucking brother."

Gray stared down at me in confusion before grabbing my hand and pulling me into an empty classroom. "What do you mean save Ethan?"

"Gretchen isn't pregnant. She faked the test," The words flew out of my mouth so fast that I didn't know if Grayson was able to keep up. "I've been looking for Ethan all day and he isn't at school so I was going to your place in hopes of finding him and-"

"You're shitting me right?" It was obvious by Grayson's expression that he was trying to figure out if he believed me or not. "Fuck why am I questioning if you're lying? Gretchen is obsessed with Ethan. I wouldn't put this past her."

I ran my fingers through my hair, "Grayson I need to tell Ethan where is he?"

"I uh..." He rubs his neck nervously, "I don't know honestly. I haven't seen him since the fights on Friday and his phone is off." In that moment I felt my heart drop to my stomach. What was I supposed to do now? "He's not at the apartment and I've checked the warehouse."

I bite my lip when I notice Gretchen and Jamie glaring into the classroom through the window, "The devil twins are outside. Stall them and I'll see if I can find Ethan. There's one place he goes to be alone."

"Alright," He claps his hands together, "Break."

'Gray this isn't football," I shake my head before running for the back exit.

"Ethan!" I shout for probably the hundredth time in the last hour. During sophomore year he liked to come out her to think, but at this point I have no idea if he still did that. "I swear to god Ethan if you're out here..."

I continued following the slim creek before reaching a clearing. If I hadn't caught side of the body at the edge, I would've continued walking. "Ethan?" His head snapped towards me and I could see that his eyes were red and puffy from having been crying. "God damn it you've had Grayson and I worried sick."

"Don't make me go back," His voice cracked as he looked anywhere but at me, "God I can't be a father to that baby. I can't stand Gretchen." His hands run from the front of his hair to the back, pulling lightly. "I can't just disappear though, it's my fucking child."

I kneel in front of the broken boy, my hand slowly inching forward to cup his cheek, "Hey look at me." When our eyes connect, it felt as if the world started spinning again. "She's not pregnant, at least not yet. I was in the restroom this morning and Trish and I overheard she and Jamie shouting about it."

"Wait what?" Ethan's eyes widen and some of the color returns to his face. I smile at him and just nod for reassurance. "You're not joking right because this would be one shitty prank," He sighed and his right hand laid on top of mine.

"I'm not lying," I chuckle and feel myself starting to shake due to happiness, "Fuck I wouldn't joke about something like this after Friday..."

Ethan smiles as I wipe the stray tears from his cheeks, "I can't believe how much you've changed me." He leans forward and presses a light kiss to my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too Ethan," I sigh in content before leaning in to press a soft kiss to the boys lips. Little did we know, everything wouldn't play out as smooth as we hoped.

Fight Night || Ethan Dolan AUWhere stories live. Discover now