Chapter 5

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"Ethan what are you doing?" I giggle while relaxing back in the passenger seat of his car. "Babe where are we?" The car comes to a stop in a small clearing surrounded by trees.

The boy next to me sighed while unbuckling his seat belt, "What do you want from this y/n?" Before I could think of a response he continues, "You know how I am with girls. You know I'm terrible with commitment, so why are you putting your feelings through this when I'm just going to end up hurting you?"

His words made my mind reel with thoughts. Why am I putting myself through this? There are millions of guys in the world, but I'm so desperate as to giving myself up for him?

"You aren't as bad as you make yourself out to be E," Was all I could come up with. His palm slapped against my thigh causing a loud smack to ring through the car. I don't flinch though.

His eyes are dark as they bore into mine, "You aren't going to be able to change me babe."

It's not like I didn't already know this information. Ethan is his own person; nothing anyone does will ever change how he acts.

Or at least he thought at the time...

My fingers are tangled through my hair as I try to compose myself. In this moment, it felt as if every problem I've ever struggled with was crashing down on my shoulders. I gasp for air as strong arms pull me into someone's chest for comfort. "Breath y/n..."

"E-Ethan," I didn't recognize my voice as I stuttered his name out. It's been years since I've suffered from a panic attack, and they've never been this bad. "I can't do this.."

His arms tighten around my body, but I squirm in hopes of getting out of his grip. "Hey stop I'm trying to help."

"Just let go Ethan," I snarl causing his eyes to widen, "I don't need your help. This is your fault anyways, so just go away."

I push him away and do my best to stand with what little energy I still have. "Why are you so hostile with me all of a sudden y/n?" His eyes were soft as we stared at one another, a good foot separating us. "I get that things are complicated right now-"

"Complicated?" I fake a laugh, "That's the best word you can find to describe our situation? I thought things were good with us Ethan, but that was obviously wrong since you're fucking one of my former best friends."

"That's not what it looks like I swear," He puts his hands up in defense but I just shake my head, "Y/n please believe me I didn't want to hurt you."

I take in a deep breath before looking up at the sky, "We're toxic Ethan. We always have been and I don't know how we didn't implode faster. Fuck I mean you even told me to stay away from you the first day I met you; remember that?"

"Of course I remember," His shoulders slump down and a frown creeps onto his lips, "I remember everything that's happened with you..."

My fist clenches at my side as my anger starts to subside, "I need time to deal with this Ethan. You're like an addictive drug, I need all or none. It takes time to kick an addiction so please just give me some space."

"Just talk to me y/n I want to help you through this," He takes a step forward and I try to take one back but the metal wall keeps me in place. "I told you I was always here for you if you needed someone to talk to. It's been awhile, but that still applies now."

"God damn it Ethan," I practically scream, "YOU are my problem. You come back here acting like everything is the same as when you left, but nothing is! You fucked my friend after kicking me out of your apartment. I only have two friends; one of which you just beat the shit out of because you thought we were hooking up. He's GAY Ethan, check your ego jeez. Topping it off my parents up and moved across the country with my brother!"

Ethan's eyes widen and I slide down the warehouse siding again, "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" He was kneeling in front of me so I had space to breathe, but I just shook my head.

"No one knows E," I choke down my sobs, shaking my head frantically trying to forget the memory of coming home to an empty house. "They literally just up an left me. What kind of parent does that to their child? They're paying for the house rent until I graduate, but then I have to find somewhere to live..." I take in a few deep breaths before making eye contact with the boy I cared immensely about, "Please just go back to your girlfriend."

It was obvious he was at a loss for words. He met my parents for the first time after sneaking into my room through an open window. Neither of us knew they had seen him through the living room window, and as soon as the window was closed they barged into my room to kick him out. Safe to say they weren't too fond of Mr. Bad Boy.

Ethan's long fingers, that I loved to much, glided through his long dark hair. Our eyes lock and it's like every past emotion I felt towards the boy came rushing back. The way the dim lighting accented his hazel eyes made my heart skip a beat. I was shocked though when he stalked back into the crowded building.

Even if that's what I wanted him to do, it still hurt to watch him turn his back to me. He wasn't wrong when he said that he was always there, but this time around he wasn't around when I needed him the most. No, instead he was locked away in some juvenile facility for almost killing a kid in a stupid fight night competition.

"Y/n!" Colton's voice brings me out of my daze. He and Trish were standing over me with worried expressions on their faces; probably because I look like a raccoon with how much I've been crying...

Trish knelt down in front of me, "Babe what happened in there? You just up and said you were Ethan's and ran out... You aren't his, you are your own person."

"I know," My voice cracked with each word I said, "Can we leave?"

Colton held out a hand to help me up. His face was beginning to bruise, and thoughts about what his parents would think ran through my mind. I didn't have enough energy to make a big deal out of it.

A breeze made my bangs fly into my face as I laid on the roof of my lonely house. Even now, five months later, I can't believe my parents just up and left me here to fend for myself. I mean what kind of person does that to their own child?

Even if I was a problem, always sneaking out to see Ethan or sneaking him into my room, how could they do this to me? I sigh and brush my bangs away, letting my thoughts roam back to Ethan.

I glanced to my left, being greeted by a gorgeous toothy grin. Ethan had his arms crossed behind his head as he stared up at the vast night sky. "For a bad boy you sure smile a lot."

His smile instantly subsides as he glances at me from the corner of his eye, "What are you talking about? I don't smile."

"Sure you don't," I poke his arm causing another smile to grace my presence, "See there it is again."

He quickly rolls over so his larger body was hovering over mine, "Maybe it's just you."

I gasp and put my hand over my heart, "You mean THE bad boy of Taylor Island has a soft spot?"

"Hey it doesn't make me soft missy," He smirks down at me before leaning down to press butterfly kisses to my exposed neck.

My hands immediately go to his growing hair, tugging lightly. "You've got a soft spot." I bite my lip, and Ethan retaliates by quickly grabbing and pinning my hands above my head.

"Nothing about me is soft," His free hand slid painfully slow down my stomach before reaching the button of my jean shorts. Ethan leaned forward, biting my earlobe softly as he unbuttoned my shorts, "I'll show you just how hard I can be."

I shake the explicit night out of my thoughts before spreading my limbs out to let the wind cool my overheating body. "Nothing is going to get better for us if I don't put myself back together first..."

Fight Night || Ethan Dolan AUWhere stories live. Discover now