Chap. 5

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Edmund's POV
Y/N wasn't waking up.

She was barely breathing.

Worst of all, her skin had started to freeze over, small snowflakes encasing her flesh.

"Caspian, has this happened before?" I asked him, my throat dry as I spoke. I didn't realize how heavy I was breathing.

Caspian was a mess himself, though he was trying to compose himself. He watched Y/N with fearful eyes, sweat on his brow. He was fixated on her, not hearing me right away.

"She- Y/N, she's-" he sighed shakily. "No, she hasn't. I don't know what to do."

Maz, the muscular crew member who was rowing frantically, stopped the boat as we reached the Dawn Treader. "Boys, get us up!"

Ladders were thrown down, and I hastily made a grab at them.  Hoisting Y/N into my arms, I climbed the ladder, almost launching myself at the ship's ledge.  I almost lost my grip a few moments, but luckily the crew on deck grabbed Y/N limp body and helped us aboard.  As I climbed up, the men dropped her panic-like, as if she was on fire.

It was the complete opposite, however, she was freezing up the deck around her.  The crew jumped back and looked to Caspian and I.

Caspian didn't know what to do, neither did I.  But I knew Y/N wouldn't last long in this state. 

Lucy's presence was suddenly made known when she grabbed my arm and squealed. "Oh my, Edmund, what's happened?!"

"It's Y/N, I don't know what's wrong, I need your cordial-"

"No Edmund, not her, your arms-"

I didn't even let her finish. I snatched her cordial out of her belt and ran to Y/N's side, smoothing down her hair.

"Y/N, Y/N, hold on, I've got you," I whispered.  "Just stay with me, okay?  I'm here."

I dripped a single drop into Y/N's mouth, watching the red liquid fall into her tongue.  I waited for what felt like hours, but nothing happened.

"No, no, no, Y/N, come on, stay with me, wake up."

I didn't know what else to do.  She was freezing, her skin suddenly turned blue.  I looked over her face, pleading she would wake up.  Pressing a kiss to her temple, I just held her.

The silence was deafening.

Then, I felt her breathe.  Her head started to move from side to side.
I felt the chill melt away and saw her skin fall back to its normal tone.

"Edmund," she said, her breathe visible. "Edmund, I-"

I scooped her up and took her straight through the crew to the lower captain's quarters.  I laid her on the red chaise lounge as Caspian and Lucy entered the room.

"She's breathing, right?"
"Edmund, are your arms alright?"

"Cas, I'm good," she said shakily, sitting up.  Y/N crossed her arms over he chest, hugging herself. "Oh no, what have I done? Did I hurt someone? Did I-"

"Y/N!" I sat next to her and grabbed her hands. "You're safe, you're alright.  You didn't hurt anyone."

She squeezed my hands and looked at them, then jumped back and away from me, skirting back and crashing into/catching herself on the desk. "Oh my gosh, Edmund, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to-"

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