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I started to walk home from school when a car slowed down next to me. They rolled down the window and I saw it was Hemming's.

"Oh my god no fuck off Luke." I began to walk away from the car when it began to thunder.

"You don't want a ride? It's gonna storm soon." He said driving slowly next to me as I looked up at the sky.

"This is really fucking creepy you know." I said looking back down as it started to pour down rain.

"C'mon just get in. I'll give you a ride." He said seeming a bit annoyed that I wouldn't listen.

He shouldn't be the annoyed one. I should be the annoyed one. And I am.

"No. I'm not getting in the same car as you." He stopped the car and got out.

"You don't have a choice anymore." He said before coming over and picked me up, carrying me to his car.

"Luke put me down!" I shouted.

He put me in the car then closed the door hitting his lock button on his keys and walked to his side before unlocking only his side and hopped in before he started the car and begin to drive again.

"This is like kidnapping. I could call the cops on you." I said pulling out my phone to see it was dead.

"Or not." I mumbled and he smiled.

"So why did you offer me this ride again?" I asked. I was  annoyed that I was in the same car as him but i wanted an answer.

"You're coming home with me." He said and I looked at him.

"No. No no no. No fucking way am I going home with just you." I tried opening the door but he locked it from his drivers side and wouldn't take his hand off it.

"Open the fucking door."

"Why are you such an ass? You didn't seem like one when you were with your sisters but then your always a bitch to me." He shouted angrily.

"I'm a bitch to everyone." I mumbled and he shook his head.

"Michael. You're not mean to him." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, Michael does not count. I was forced to hang out with him and my sisters when he first started coming over and we just became friends. I didn't want to." He just shook his head.

"Do you have to tell anyone your coming over?" Luke asked taking out his phone.

"I can't come. My mom has to work late tonight I have to watch my sisters." I said smirking, looking forward.

"Text Michael. He stayed all night yesterday." He said handing me his phone. After 5 minutes I finally clicked on his name.


can you go watch the girls?


why do you want me to go watch Ava and Amelia. Hemmings?


stupid ass it's Parker. I'm stuck with Hemmings can you watch them or not?


if it means you're gonna HANG OUT with Luke Hemmings then yes. I'll be over there in 10.

I rolled my eyes and handed Luke back his phone. As he pulled in his driveway.

"I can get you some dry clothes." Luke said going up to his room. I took off my wet combat boots and followed him up to his room. He handed me a pair of black sweat pants and one of his tank tops and told me where the bathroom was.

I mumbled a quick thanks and walked down the hall and took off my wet clothes. I put on his sweat pants that were big on me considering he had nice long ass legs. Wait what the hell am I talking about. I put on the tank top that was kinda lose on me but whatever I'm not gonna complain.

I went back into the room and handed him my wet clothes as he got a beanie to put on. I took it off his head and put it on mine and smiled at him while he playfully rolled his eyes and put on a new one and took my clothes down to the laundry room.

"You know you look good in my clothes." He said winking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"So why did you drag me here again?" I asked folding my arms. He shrugged.

"I was bored thought I should just pick up a random girl walking home and take her here to hang out." He smirked.

"But do you play FIFA?" He asked me and I looked at him like he was insane.

"Of course I do! Who doesn't like FIFA?" I shouted grabbing a controller and he smiled at me. We were in the middle of playing the game and I was kicking his ass till he paused it.

"Hey! I was winning!" I shouted looking at him.

"If I press play you have to promise to answer my questions and talk to me." He said and I sighed but agreed. He pressed play and started the game again.

"Am I really that bad that you hate me so much you don't want to be anywhere near me?" He asked. Oh god here comes the questions.

"You're not as bad as I uh thought.." I mumbled looking down at the controller. He paused it.

I think he got that neither of us want to play anymore. "Then why are you always such a bitch to me?" He asked not breaking eye contact. I shook my head.

"Luke you don't have to believe me but you're actually a pretty cool guy but I can't just open up to you and tell you why I'm a bitch." I said groaning after I finished.

"You don't need to open up to me but you can at least be nice to me." He muttered and I looked at him scoffing.

"I have a past that I'm not gonna tell someone I just met the other day about Luke. If you can't handle me at my worse then you don't deserve to see me at my best." I said and that's when I lost it.

I started to cry. In front of Luke fucking Hemmings and I feel like the worlds biggest loser. He softened as he looked at me.

"No Parker don't cry." He said reaching for my hand but I pulled back.

"I think I'm just gonna ask Michael to come get me. Are my clothes dry yet?" I asked using the back of my hand to wipe the tears off my face and he shook his head.

"I can drive you home and give you your clothes tomorrow." He said and I finally agreed. The car ride was quiet and when we pulled into my driveway he spoke up.

"I'm sorry if I made you cry." He said holding onto my wrist.

I shook my head and thanked him for the ride home before running inside to find that Amelia and Ava were both fast asleep because the house was quiet and Michael was sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Hey." I said quietly and he turned around.

"There you are! Took you awhile- hey were you crying?" He asked looking at me. I bit my lip and nodded. He came and pulled me into a hug.

"What happened?" He asked.

"He asked me why I was always a jerk to him and I told him I can't tell him why and I I I. I almost told him about my dad. He's not a bad person Michael and I feel like total shit that I'm so mean to him but I just can't help it." I said starting to cry again.

"I know baby. I know you can't tell him. And I know why you're always mean to people other than us. They just don't know what you've been through." He said rubbing my back.

"But when you're ready to tell him. Everything. I'm not stopping you. No one is." He whispered and I nodded. Luke's gonna find out some day.

hellooooo my beauitful peoplesssss so i updated are you hapy?! i was jaming out to Panic! At The Disco when i wrote this so if you dont listen to them you should... but ANYWAYYYYYY what do you guys think happened about Parker and her dad?

what does Michael mean about EVERYTHING. questions that im not gonna answer! hahaha okay byeeeeee love you guys!xoxo

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