Chapter 1

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I groaned looking at the clock, watching it quietly tick away. I'd been groaning since third period, and yes, that's what got me into detention. Our stupid cranky old teacher, which I SWEAR has a hairy mole on the side of her face, which sticks out like it's looking at you, has absolutely no tolerance for groaning.

It was the last day of school, before I headed into college and I was serving detention...again.

"Can I go now?" I asked breaking the silence. Mrs. Gooch looked up, her glasses falling down on the ridge of her nose, and her cranky twisted sneer set in place.

"Can you Ms. Anne?" she mocked.

I had trouble answering. I always did. It was just that mole... It's been like that Austin Powers Movie for this entire year.

Mole. Mole. Mole. Mole. Mole. Mole.


Maybe she needed to get it removed, purposes.

Scratch that.

She defiantly needed it removed. I was going to make sure of it.

"Um...yes?" I answered questionably, trying not to roll my eyes at her.

"Huh. Then go."

I stared at her shocked. I picked up my book bag slowly, and quietly and made my way to the door. I stopped, and turned around fighting smile.

"Mrs. Gooch?" I said, biting my lip from laughing.


"You really, really, really, need to get rid of that mole. Makes you look like uhm, butt ugly, and seriously, your face scares people." I snorted.

Her eyes nearly popped out of her head, and she stood up in shock and anger. I did the smartest thing I knew how too.

I ran. Down the hall taking a right at the beloved water fountain and, right into the cafeteria cart...full of the nasty beans that I had been trying to avoid all year.

Smooth Jamie...Smooth.

After spending another hour in the school, trying as hard as I could to get the beans and the supposedly the 'meat' (I think other wise) out of my hair, my jeans, my face and shirt, with a few small towels from the cafeteria lady, I headed home pissed off.

I lived alone, in a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment, which was poorly furnished. I didn't care though, it was my own place and once money started to come in some more, it would look great.

I opened the door slowly, as I trudged in my shoes squeaking from the beans. It was starting to smell badly now, but my stomach growled out of hunger.

"Hunger gets what hunger wants..." I muttered and walked in dropping my book bag in the corner. I yawned walking to the refrigerator, not noticing the mess all over the floor, because there was always a mess.

But this mess wasn't mine.

I opened a jar of peanut butter and grabbed a spoon.

Yumstickles. Raw peanut butter. I needed to go grocery shopping. Soon.

After eating a small fill of my peanut butter I walked into my bedroom. Shocked, I looked around.

Blood, and dirt were on my beautiful black silken sheets, as I noticed a trail of mud and dirt on the floor. My jaw dropped in anger and shock, unable to know what I should do.

I looked around some more, as I looked at the dirty handprints smeared across the wall. The trail led right to my bathroom, and I clenched my teeth in anger.

"Oh no he did not!" I growled, stomping my feet so loudly, you would have mistaken it as a herd of elephants.

"JASON GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BATHROOM!" I pounded my hands against the door, kicking at it also. Jason, my older brother, who was very much of a pig, dropped by here and then at my house, leaving a mess behind.

I finally managed to get the door open, after breaking it, yes, I broke the lock...I wasn't having such a good day today, and flung the door open.

The bath was running as I opened the door and I flung the shower curtain open.

My eyes widened in shock. It wasn't Jason.

It was another guy...and he sat there in bubbles, looking up at me, his perfect face full of mud and blood.

Right when I was about to say something, his melodic voice broke the silence.

"Wow, and I thought I looked bad..."

Authors Note***

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With love,


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